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Biomedicine in museums

Workshop on global biotrash etc, Univ of Warwick, 9 March 2007

By February 20, 2007No Comments

The Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation and the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick are inviting to a one-day workshop on “Health, Governance and the Global: Cultural Histories and Contemporary Practices” on 9 March, 2007.

Increasingly, the ‘global’ has become an ever-more regularly invoked term—both in popular anxieties about health (such as SARS or Avian ‘flu) as well as in the world of public policy. What has been less clear, however, is what exactly the object of governance is in the ‘global governance of health’. Is it a set of regulations? Is it bodily practices of individuals or groups? Or, is it the bio-health phenomena themselves? Finally, what is the relationship in the global governance of health between the governance of commerce, on the one hand, and the governance of infection, on the other? This one-day interdisciplinary workshop seeks to begin to map out the practical and epistemological terrain produced by the global governance of health—both as a set of contemporary practices, as well as their historical antecedents.

Program includes:

  • Julie Kent, University of Western England & Naomi Pfeffer, London Metropolitan University: ‘Regulation and governance of the collection and use of fetal stem cells in the UK’
  • Julie Kent & Naomi Pfeffer, ‘The debut of the fetal cadaver’
  • Dan O’Connor, Warwick, “This Shit”: Abjection, Horror and Biotrash
  • Sarah Hodges, Warwick, ‘Biotrash: The Global Traffic in Medical Garbage in a Post-Genomic Age’
  • Mohan Rao, Jawaharlal Nehru University, ‘Roshomon’s Truth: NGOs and the Health Sector in India
  • Sophie Harman, Manchester, ‘Contemporary Practice, Old Rules: Understanding the World Bank’s role in shaping the HIV/AIDS response through a Historical Institutionalist lens’

For further information, contact Sarah Hodges (

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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