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Biomedicine in museums

Design4Science at Medical Museion

By January 12, 2009No Comments

provenOur next temporary exhibition is on its way. Today Shirley Wheeler arrived with her team from Sunderland (UK) to set up Design4Science, which will open next Tuesday.

It’s an exhbition about the interface between design and science, more precisely how design has interacted with molecular biology in the last 50 years.

rundormHow the invisible biomolecular world has been represented, modelled and visualized in co-operation with artists and designers. And, vice versa, how designers and artists have been inspired by research in molecular biology.

Design4Science will be on display in our temporary exhibition venue in Bredgade, Copenhagen, until 12 April.

Stay tuned — Bente will follow Shirley and her team while they install during this week and the following weekend. Here are some of Bente’s pictures from today’s transportation work:


Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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