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September 2012

You Need To See This — Pushing the boundaries of scientific visualization

By Biomedicine in museums

The registration deadline for the upcoming symposium on scientific visualization in Copenhagen, Tuesday 25 September and Wednesday 26 September 2012, is Friday 14 September.

You Need To See This — Pushing the boundaries of scientific visualization should be of interest to everyone interested in how science is visualized, especially at the cellular and molecular level, in science, in media and in museums.

The symposium is organised by Rikke Kjærgaard Schmidt and some of her colleagues at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University, in cooperation with Medical Museion and Bang Wong at The Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard, and takes place at the The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen.

Here’s what it is about:

Scientific visualizations are essential for the processes involved in generating and presenting scientific data. A glance at the most influential scientific journals today immediately shows how fundamentally important scientific visualizations are. Traditionally, art and illustration have played a key role in making scientific graphics. The field of data visualization has vastly grown with computer science, animation and graphic software, advanced art techniques, and information design. New technologies give us far more sophisticated tools to handle graphic design and data analysis.

The symposium explores how connections between art, design and science inspire and advance research, innovation and working processes in scientific data visualization. Speakers will share ideas for and processes of their work in visualization across disciplines. Talks and discussions will address how visual ideas and intentions are transformed by the use of different tools and technologies, how to meet the challenges of cross-discipline collaborations, how to gain and apply inspiration through multidisciplinary processes, and how these processes can enrich both the practice of science and art. The goal of the symposium is to establish best practices for the community to create, perceive and understand visualizations.

Speakers include David Goodsell (The Scripps Research Institute), Colin Ware (University of New Hampshire), Bang Wong (The Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard), Alessia Giardino (Thread Count Lab London), Nik Spencer (Nature), Amanda Cox (The New York Times), Gaël McGill (Harvard Medical School), Poul Nissen (Aarhus University), Søren Brunak (Technical University of Denmark), Niels Christian Nielsen (Aarhus University), and Mette Høst (Niels Bohr Institute).

For full details of the programme and speakers, please see: Please note that because of technical updates registration opens again Monday 10 September 2012. Deadline for online registration is Friday 14 September 2012. Please follow this link.

(thumbnail image above is painted by symposium speaker David Goodsell)


8.00-8.45 Coffee/Tea

8.45-9.00 Opening remarks

9.00-10.00 POUL NISSEN How do we show molecules and how they work?

10.00-11.00 GAËL MCGILL TBA

11.00-11.30 Break – Coffee/Tea

11.30-12.30 METTE HØST TBA

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.00 AMANDA COX Throwing Things Away: On Editing, and Other Lessons from Journalism

15.00-16.00 SØREN BRUNAK TBA

16.00-16.30 Break – Coffee/Tea

16.30-17.30 Tech Demo: Collaborative Molecular Visualization in a Multi-Surface Environment

This tech demo shows how novel technology can bring scientific visualizations beyond the confinements of personal computers and hereby embrace science as a collaborative activity.

The tech demo is a done in collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (Aarhus University), The Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction (Aarhus University), The Alexandra Institute, and the Department of Computer Science (Aarhus University).

Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Kim Halskov, Jonas Petersen, Jesper Mosegaard, Jesper Børlum & Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard.

18.30-22.00 Symposium Dinner at Carlsberg Academy

Wednesday 26 September, 2012

8.00-8.45 Registration – Coffee/Tea

8.45-9.00 Opening remarks


10.00-11.00 COLIN WARE Visual Thinking Processes for Interactive Data Analysis

11.00-11.20 Break – Coffee/Tea

11.20-11.30 VICTORIA VESNA

11.30-12.30 ALESSIA GIARDINO Concrete & Nanotechnology: Shaping Sustainable Surfaces Through Design

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.00 NIK SPENCER Style and Substance: Visualizing Science and the Development of Art and Design at Nature

15.00-16.00 BANG WONG Visual Strategies for Explaining and Exploring the Genome

16.00-16.30 Break – Coffee/Tea


17.00-18.00 DAVID GOODSELL Depicting Cellular Environments: Preparation and Process

18.00-18.15 Reflection – Q&A

18.30 Drinks reception and tour at the Medical Museion