This blog uses a microarray pattern as background wallpaper — as a symbol of the new postgenomic challenge to the public engagement with medicine in general and to medical history museums in particular. And so we take every opportunity to display microarray images.
Like this pic which flew in my face this morning when I opened an RSS feed from Medgadget (vigilant as usual). It’s not an ‘authentic’ microarray pattern, though, but a cryptogram in the form of a pastel painting made by Peter C. Johnson, CEO of the Raleigh-based biomedical technology consultancy company Scintellix.
It’s called ‘MicroArray’ (very creative 🙂 — and you can win $1500 if you decipher it. Read more here.
This is the first image in a planned series that will “explore the hidden meaning found in biological imagery”, initated by Johnson/Scintellix in co-operation with Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, one of the oldest magazines in the field.
Very smart branding method for Scintellix, for GEN and for the sponsor (microarray producer Agilent).