We are now in the first phase of the construction of our new 3500 square feet semi-permanent exhibition here at Medical Museion — provisionally titled ‘Under the Skin’ — to be opened in the late autumn of 2014.
The exhibition will show some of best specimens from our big collection of normal and pathological anatomical specimens and other human remains, together with a number of new acquisitions from contemporary human remains, such as samples from bio- and tissue banks.
[flickrset id=”72157633220266252″ thumbnail=”thumbnail” photos=”24″ overlay=”true” size=”medium”]Already last year we secured the basic funding for the new exhibition from the Arbejdsmarkedets Feriefond (AFF), but until recently we’ve been waiting for the University of Copenhagen’s decision to redecorate the beautiful exhibition rooms in the mid-18th century Tietkens Gaard building.
Now the University has decided to start the redecoration and therefore we are now launching an exhibition site, where we tell about the successive phases of the construction process:
1) taking down the former study collections in the spring of 2013
3) the rebuilding and redecoration of the rooms in the next 6 months
4) the continuous development of the concept for the new exhibition and the preliminary design ideas
5) choosing and curating objects and images in the next 12 months; and finally
6) the mounting and installation in the early fall of 2014.
Our conservator Nanna Gerdes has tweeted her daily work taking down, packing and conserving the objects from the former study collections in the room (follow her here: @NaGerdes).
New thoughts and ideas for the exhibition project will be available through our blog and via Facebook.
Read more here: https://www.museion.ku.dk/under-huden-under-konstruktion/