A couple of months ago I advertised David Pantalony’s forthcoming article on the colour green in medicine. Just want to add that it was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal last week (Sept 15, pp. 402-03). Read the full online text here.
Biomedicine in museums
The colour of medicine — green!
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- 6229
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- Livets Museum åbner snart i Lund
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- AIDS 30 år — udstilling på Riget
- It's not the museum visitors' job to know what they want to see
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- European anatomical collections network initiative
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- Summer vacation
- Next Universeum meeting will take place in Trondheim in 2012
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- Public communication of science and technology
- Journal clubs on Twitter
- Malling-Hansen's Braille writing ball on display
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- Museums on Facebook — making friends, making fans or simply broadcasting?
- The Museum of Technology in Hemel Hempstead
- Genomic jewellery — an Illumina BeadChip necklace
- Conceptualizing, collecting and presenting recent science and technology
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- Analysing museums beyond the national framework
- New metaphors for sci-tech-med museums
- Things in culture, culture in things
- Remembering Horace Judson, author of The Eighth Day of Creation
- New assistant professor in medical science communication at Medical Museion
- Internationalisering er meget mere end ICOM-komitteer
- Our new social web and biomedicine staff member
- Workshop on the sensuous object (smell and touch, ambience, aesthetic, visual thinking, tacit knowledge, sound and seduction), 29-30 September
- How to use museum collections in teaching history?
- What is 'biomedicine'?
- Museums use social media mostly for marketing reasons and PR
- Collecting the voices and materials of genomics
- Another packed programme for a Universeum meeting — when will they ever learn?
- Forskningsformidling via sociale webmedier forenkler ikke budskabet — tværtimod
- Why do STS?
- One-day meeting on 'Curating science', London, 6 May
- What intellectual and practical approaches should be developed to document and preserve the history of recent science and technology?
- Martha Fleming on "Museum as Material, Exhibition as Scholarly Publication” at the Danish Royal Academy of Art, Friday 1 April, 1-3 pm.
- Can someone tell me what "a heuristic device waiting to be filled with meaning" means?
- Martha Fleming taler om "Museum as Material, Exhibition as Scholarly Publication” på Kunstakademiet på fredag
- What's actually meant by the "life" and "biography" of new materials?
- Studies in disposable culture
- Who shall have the Dibner prize in 2011?
- Historicisation — a postgrad course in Bergen next August
- The Picture a Museum Day event yesterday — see Medical Museion's pictures and photographers here
- What kind of social studies of science publications would convince scientists themselves?
- The moral economy of science communication
- Blog on the history of neurology and the neurosciences
- The material basis of a unified self
- The order of tangible things at Harvard
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- Fastelavnskostume á la Penkowa
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- Beyond science journalism — the web and new forms of communication power
- New web technologies for biomedical self-presentation
- The perfect journal — it's all about rejection
- The materiality and sensuousness of fat
- Identity: how little we actually change over time
- En Leonardo for det 21. århundrede?
- Are bioart works ever 'finished'?
- Egyptian prosthetic devices
- 2010 Medical Blog Awards goes mainly to earlier winners
- Hvorfor sætter danske videnskabsjournalister mure op for kommentarer?
- The transhumanist freak show
- A manifesto for creating science, technology and medicine exhibitions
- On queer museums
- Postgrad course on gendered body visualisations
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- Medicinsk Museions nye SWAT
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- Værktøjskasse for outreach
- Living your scientific life as if you were a member of an aesthetic movement
- The life-span of a scientific article
- 12th annual meeting of the European Academic Heritage Network (Universeum), Padua, 26-29 May
- Er plastikdukkene ægte eller ej?
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- We are looking for a new academic member of staff for web-based science communication
- Vi søger en specialist i webbaseret forskningskommunikation
- Identity museums
- Political economy is too important to be left to biomedical scientists
- Psykiatrihistorie i Deadline i aften
- Merry Xmas from Medical Museion's anatomical theatre
- God Jul og Godt Nyt År fra Medicinsk Museions anatomiske teater
- 'Digital' evolution in two minutes
- The intensive care unit on display
- Facebook face images
- Beware of the Agambians
- Is digital information material or immaterial?
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- Fellowships for research on the biomedical science and technology since 1945
- Heritage & Society
- Dan Zahavi og følelser
- Today's museum quote
- Today's museum policy quote
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- 23. nordiske medicinhistoriske kongress, Oslo, 25. – 27. maj 2011
- A new awesome Rosling-visualisation
- Tacit knowing — manual knowledge in art, science and technology
- The history of the microplate — a ubiquitous biomedical lab technology
- Intro to 'The Chemistry of Life' exhibition as a joint science and art exhibition (beta version)
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- Milena Penkowa-sagen
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- The Seven Sisters: Subgenres of bioi of contemporary life scientists
- New Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies at the University of Copenhagen opens on 2 December
- Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies åbner torsdag den 2 december kl. 15
- Wikipedia
- Medical Museion on the (social) web
- Forskningssamarbejder som organisatoriske monstre
- Seminar om syntetisk biologi
- UNIVERSEUM has been established as a formal association for the preservation of the European academic heritage
- Bio-engineering in museums
- Det hvide snit
- Dansk Medicinsk-historisk Selskabs Studenterpris 2010
- Malaria parasite as glass sculpture
- Negotiating the aims, methods and results of ageing research
- Aldringsforskning som forhandling
- Prosthetic arms, lung capacity and learning to see — Medical Museion in Copenhagen Culture Night
- Resumé of the conference "Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge to museums".
- Metaphor and simile in representations of genetics in the media
- Why are medical scientists so unplayful?
- 'An Ageing World' — a science-design installation about global demography
- XVIVO's 'Powering the Cell: Mitochondria' — the magic of 'The Inner Life of the Cell' has evaporated
- Is the challenge of botanical poetry lost forever in Copenhagen?
- The Split+Splice exhibition at Medical Museion receives the Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits 2010
- Historical medical artefacts online
- Didactics is a death kiss to museums
- Conference-tweeting — pros and cons
- When will they ever learn …
- Human remains in museums — are museum curators the principal campaigners against them?
- WeltWissen
- Lobotomi af åndssvage
- Om depression
- Tweets from the conference on contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge to museums
- Den 23. medicinhistoriske kongress, Oslo 25-27 maj 2011
- JoVE publishes its 500th video-article
- Nyt center for medicinske videnskabs- og teknologistudier ved Københavns Universitet
- David Goodsell's cell-art
- Museums as public dormitories where all risks are controlled
- Sociale webmedier, videnskabs-, medicin- og teknologihistorie
- Kulturklik — it's so much yesterday — om igen!
- Testosteron — det stof, mænd er gjort af?
- Blogging about history of science and medicine
- Horror podcast and medical theatre tours around Medical Museion during the '1700s — Globalization, Gossip and Greed' festival, Copenhagen
- Program for the conference 'Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge to museums', Copenhagen 16-18 September
- Metaphors that both scientists and artists draw on
- Beyond the magic bullet: Reframing the history of antibiotics
- On bloggership and blogademia — is scholarly blogging scholarship?
- Post #1400
- Handbook for the material turn
- Venter's dismissal of the medical implications of genomics
- A kind of medical 'museum' I have quite mixed feelings about
- Is slow attention possible on the web?
- Biography of a collection or a collector?
- The dangers of oversharing
- Ken Arnold visiting professor in medical science communication and museology at Medical Museion
- The aesthetics of disgust
- I miss people who once needed no electronics (iphone)
- The aesthetics of healthy aging
- The last cathedrals built for a dying medium
- Can you 'inhapt' an object (as a haptic alternative to 'inspect')?
- Would European museums be able to co-operate around the preservation of the contemporary scientific, technological and medical heritage?
- Evocative stories about evocative objects: Sherry Turkle's Evocative Objects, Falling for Science and The Inner History of Devices
- Creating a distributed curatorial expertise for acquisitioning the contemporary medical heritage
- Why bother? So what?
- Medical history and the medical humanities between two reductionisms
- Which are the most unnecessary science, tech and medical museums in the world?
- Philosophical reflection on medical technology in museums has got a new publication outlet
- Om den æstetiske formidlingsform — sanser og poetisk oplevelse på Medicinsk Museion
- Scientometrics — a contemporary Sword of Damocles hanging over biomedicine
- Does matter matter?
- Workshop 'Contemporary biomedical science and medical technology as a challenge to museums' — preliminary programme
- Acquisitioning is the life-blood of museums
- Does the hyperlink destroy our ability to focus on the text?
- Bioephemera is (temporarily?) closing down
- Science as a material and sensuous world vs. history of science as a textual and disembodied world
- Craig Venter's new step towards synthetic life
- Medical Museum Competition
- Postdoc project for the study of the production of images of the interior of the human body on the cellular level
- Medical photographer at Medical Museion
- Facebook — just another uncool site
- University heritage is back
- The future of philosophy of science
- The existential importance of feeling stupid
- Unruly democracy: Science blogs and the public sphere
- Petition against the closure of the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL
- Containers that actively interfere with the biomedical research process
- The historiography of the interaction between science and medical practice — conflict or coop?
- Museums and social media
- Just had a digital detox week
- The rising star of the brain
- Can a university museum also be a science communication unit?
- Want to renew Wellcome Library's outreach activities, web presence etc.?
- The conservatism of science journalism
- The future of medical history — the swansong conference of the Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine
- More on the closing of the Centre for the History of Medicine
- Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine is closing down
- Science Museum’s new history of medicine website _Brought to Life_
- Human remains collection management as a 'grey zone' in ICOM's Code of Ethics
- The aesthetics of derelict medical instruments and devices
- To disconnect from the internet is the new 'distinction'
- Reading artefacts — do we really read them?
- The death of an exhibition — but no animals were harmed in the process
- 3D objects have 'an immense potential for the communication of science'. Is this true? And if so, why?
- Congress for curious people
- Another natural history museum plays the art card to bring an adult audience into the museum
- Museum identity — are we a medical conservatory?
- Open the sluice gates for contemporary collecting!
- Illness in context — textual interpretations of illness
- New acquisitions — no thank you, or yes please?
- How shall science, technology, and medicine museums handle the problem of new acquisitions?
- Are science museums and science centers taming the thrill of science by imposing their museological agendas?
- Using refurbishment as an occasion for museums to rethink their outreach
- Is this the death of the science/medical museum collections as we know them?
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- Contemporary biomedical science and medical technology as a challenge to museums
- Idiosyncracy as a museological virtue
- Is the role of museums to promote 'social harmony'?
- Fremtidens museum
- Do museums need big web sites to be visible?
- How are doctors', nurses' and medical scientists' practices changed when artefacts are involved?
- Embed a YouTube video into your powerpoint slides
- 1-2 Associate (Assistant) Professors in Medical Science Communication and/or Medical Science Heritage Production
- Alter-realism — dispense with the sci- and bioart gallery and make scientific reality our experimentation lab
- The participatory museum
- Peculiar (malicious?) anonymous vanity blogranking 'service'
- Bios lingo
- Saving the 'papers' of 21st century science for future historians
- Is academic job application attachments on YouTube the new trend?
- When is research a waste of time?
- Medicine 2.0 in a historical perspective
- Hybrids between science, visual art, poetry and theatre
- Memoirs about disability
- Keeping the biomedical heritage is all about the preservation of plastic
- Museerne i fremtidens kulturelle landskab — en undersøgelse
- Moulage, moulage
- Contemporary bodies — new technologies, new collections
- Virtual suicide — reclaim your real life
- Citizen science is maturing — first scientific paper from Galaxy Zoo 2
- Opening talk — 'Healthy Aging: A Lifespan Approach'
- New exhibition: 'Healthy Aging: A Lifespan Approach' (pics from the opening)
- Webinar on SARS: Learning from an epidemic of fear
- Research fellowships at Science Museum
- Split + Splice as a mirror structure between laboratory and museum
- The contemporary history of peptic ulcer
- Kan man vaccinere kommunikationsafdelinger mod manglende kreativitet?
- Instruments on display
- Dittrick Museum's blog
- Using Twitter as training ground for exhibition curators
- Hanging Liv Carlé Mortensen's collages for the 'Healthy Aging' show
- Low budget gift wrapping ribbon model of the GPCR receptor
- Repomen — a fictional study in organ 'circulation'
- Nordic medical history meeting, 2011
- What is science communication for in a postindustrial society?
- Næste nordiske medicinhistoriske møde i Oslo, maj 2011
- The theme for the next 'Artefacts' meeting is 'Knowledge on the Move'
- Who am I online? Personal identity construction on the web
- Death in the digital age
- Participative medical art practice — new postdoc project at Medical Museion
- Navn på KU's nye intranet — hvad med Closed Access?
- Our new exhibition — on 'Healthy Aging' — opens on Monday 8 February
- The annual Universeum meeting on university heritage now and in the future looks a little dull
- First medical film symposium — screening and academic discussions
- Boswell's new gospel of science is an embarassing experience
- Medical history objects — art objects
- What kind of staff do small museums need?
- Are science centers and science museums converging?
- Consuming Bodies: The human body in the light of science
- Which terms do you use for 'first-person accounts' written by scientists and medical doctors?
- 'Oral history' on its way to insignificance? — isn't 'online history' much more relevant for the interpretation of the contemporary world?
- Is the genre of conference proceedings a dying one?
- Biomedicine on Display takes a short holiday break
- Biomedical molecules as jewelry
- Is snowstorm a good excuse for closing a medical museum?
- Look out for the next 'Science and the Public' conference, July 2010.
- Why write a Masters thesis when you can buy one
- Medicinhistorikerens magt
- Scientists living transnational lives
- Senior life scientists believe science communication skills are more important than ethical skills
- Springer's so called 'open choice option for open access'
- New conference formats for historians of science, technology and medicine
- Have you ever seen a molecule? Art, science and visual communication
- Post mortem human remains revisited
- International konference om biomedicinsk videnskab og teknologi som en radikal udfordring for museumsverden. København 16. – 19. september 2010
- Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums — Copenhagen, 16-18 September 2010
- New list for university museums and collections
- Against Google — I want to be surprised! Find the unexpected, detect what I never anticipated.
- The recent history of medical technology — piecing it together from memoirs and reminiscences
- Way too neat lab bench image gives a distorted impression of lab life
- En hjerne bliver snittet — "lige nu!", som de siger i nyhedsudsendelserne
- Slicing the brain — online, in real time
- The historical relation between human enhancement and succesful ageing — new postgraduate project here at Medical Museion
- Ja, museerne skal ud til folket — men pas på det ikke ender i ren oplevelsesøkonomi
- Do we want to engage in topical and timely exhibitions?
- Museet erhverver unik samling af væskedrivende midler
- Museomics
- Is biomedicine making the body invisible and immaterial — and uncollectable?
- Curatorial and artistic techniques in investigating and presenting (biomedical) bodies
- Brug og misbrug af medicinhistorie (og anden videnskabshistorie)
- Museums as graveyards for dead objects (rather than echo rooms for talking objects?)
- Dansk Medicinsk-historisk Selskabs Studenterpris 2009
- A private museum of historical medical artefacts on the web
- Poem about Medical Museion's collections
- An 'unknown' Norwegian dentistry collection celebrates its 125th birthday
- Between meaning culture and presence effects: contemporary biomedical objects as a challenge to museums
- Mellem meningskultur og nærværseffekter: biomedicinens objekter som museal udfordring
- Biomedical visualisation and society
- Beyond text — memories, monuments, machines and madeleines
- Hvordan kan erhvervslivet inddrages i museum 2.0?
- Meeting on university collections and their integration into everyday uni life
- What does 'medical progress' mean? A philosophical perspective
- The culture of curiosity (or: keep an eye on OBSERVATORY)
- Popular dissection pics
- Scientific instruments in the history and philosophy of (medical) science
- What's a university museum?
- Contested categories — life sciences in society
- Want to be a medical museum director in Glasgow?
- The participatory medical museum — planning for the next three years
- Twue them!
- Congrats to the Wellcome Library staff …
- Nina Simon (museum 2.0) til seminar på Medicinsk Museion, torsdag 29. oktober
- Nina Simon/museum 2.0 at Medical Museion tomorrow
- Pill camera live show
- Medicine, archives and researching lives
- The menstrual cycle on display
- Medical museums and the Janus-faced future of synthetic biology
- The materiality of scientific objects
- The body on display
- Steampunk, always steampunk
- Learning about representing the life sciences from biotech upstarts
- Blogger after lunch
- The Copenhagen Night of Culture
- Yet another postdoc wanted for research into the history of NIH
- Nysseligt, men …
- Publications from the 'Biomedicine on Display' project
- Det hvide snit på P1
- The slow museum
- Is the physical announcement board a threatened academic species?
- Nanotech, health and longevity — who makes the predictions?
- A protein sculpture in the making
- Cell image and video library gets NIH stimulus grant
- On the boundary of visual and performative arts and biomedicine
- Vi søger en publikumsmedarbejder …
- Waiting for the 2009 Celldance winners
- Assembling bodies
- Protein sculptures
- Digestive history
- The colours of biomedical lab equipment
- We're apparently lagging behind on the social web media side
- Sk-interfaces in extended continuation — now in Luxembourg
- Uwe Max Jensen misforstår ENDO-ECTO
- Video-based methods in science and technology studies
- Dentist's clinic
- The colour of medicine — green!
- The blog vanity fair
- Surgical heritage manager in Edinburgh
- Some science communication scholars believe in gvmt-sponsored science news and evidently have not heard about museums
- Significant medical objects – II
- 'Virtue, Vice, and Contraband: A History of Contraception in America'
- 100 years with pH
- Torture spam
- Proteiner — kultur og eksistens
- The tendency towards event culture in contemporary museums
- Explaining Split+Splice on Danish TV
- Stories between art and science — and the history of the ribbon diagram of protein structure
- Dekan Ulla Wewers tale ved åbningen af 'Primary Substances'
- Phillip Warnell will swallow a pill camera in Copenhagen on Sunday
- Medical steampunk
- Blogs for innovative academics
- Er vores seneste udstilling et eksempel på Steampunk?
- Are we on the edge of a robot revolution in medicine?
- New exhibition — 'Primary Substances: Treasures from the history of protein research'
- Åbning af udstillingen 'Primary Substances: Treasures from the history of protein research', fredag den 4. september kl. 14
- Ny udstilling om proteinforskning
- The history of hypochondria as mediated by artists, writers and philosophers
- Is there a 'neuroscientific turn' in the humanities and social sciences?
- Beyond postmodern bioart?
- Significant medical objects
- Endoscopic art performance
- Artefacts meeting at Science Museum, 20-22 September
- Archives for contemporary science at risk
- Do Europeans not produce any interesting medical technologies?
- Sci-med-tech museum gang
- A new history of surgery exhibition (in Dundee)
- "Slow looking, like slow cooking, may yet become the new radical chic"
- Use the current lingua franca, please
- Split + Splice as web exhibition
- Science exhibitions: curation, design and communication
- Organ donors – Chinese edition
- postdoc/PhD position: Communicative barriers between biomedical research and everyday health care in a museum context
- Why are hospitals associated with the colour green?
- Udstilling set fra et designprofessionel udgangspunkt
- More on small animal guillotines — an invisible practice
- Laboratory guillotines — rules and procedures for the use of commercial small animal euthanasia machines
- Medical archives and collections in a design history perspective
- Visible and invisible radiation
- 15th congress of European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences in Copenhagen, September 2010
- From the opening of Split and Splice …
- Useful spam
- Sublim biomedicinsk selviscenesættelse
- Eye Catchers and Swagger Images — a new exhibition about scientific posters
- Biomedicine on Display ranked as #7 museum blog in the world
- Split and Splice: Fragments From the Age of Biomedicine — new exhibition at Medical Museion
- Interest in book and journal marginalia grows as Google and publishers puts books and journals online
- Diseases as real entities or nominalist constructs?
- Dissection as a rite-of-passage 100 years ago — what do medical students do now?
- Good old history of science is big news for BBC
- Universities and their museums
- The laboratory as an exhibition venue
- The morbid Wunderkammer
- Genomic art is so much last year
- Pas på med kemi …
- Sartoblot II-S — the whereabouts
- Fewer postings for a while — tendonitis, it's pretty painful
- How to depict life itself?
- Næste stop: Blog for Læger
- Are there any ethical reasons not to display forensic medical specimens on-line?
- Revulsive abortion instrument website
- The sandpit/sandbox concept — is it compatible with museum 2.0?
- The perfect job for a person interested in web outreach of biomedicine
- A curator's nightmare
- Medical Museion puts all of its collections on Twitter
- Putting our image archive on Flickr?
- Wikipedia protects the 'Genetics' article, but not the 'Medicine' article
- Do social scientists dream about biomedical futures? Or do they have nightmares only?
- Observing the others, watching over oneself
- Ideen om en humanistisk lægevidenskab er tautologisk
- Human-animal relationship — opportunity for research at the PhD-level
- Knowledge, ethics and representations of medicine and health (CFP)
- Morbid Anatomy enters the Observatory
- A personal turn in 'biomedical studies'?
- Visualizations of viruses – III
- Museum om mennesket i sundhed og sygdom
- Ansøgning om at udvide og videreudvikle Medicinsk Museion
- FDA approves Salmonella
- Medicine and healthcare: history and context
- Viruses and their visualizations
- Dreamjob for a person interested in research based medical history outreach
- The research physician
- Collecting and gathering as world-making and claim-staking
- Open source object management
- Minders of the memory — with delayed gratification
- Singing medical songs
- Biodigital lives: making, consuming and archiving the lives of technoscience
- Science Museum's new history of medicine website
- Grant application for developing and expanding Medical Museion
- Visualization of pharmaceutical industry activity
- Drugs and chronic illness
- Exhibition on the history of protein research — call for artefacts
- Hjælp til udstilling om proteinforskningens historie
- A crush on pipettes
- Wellcome medical history films
- Hvad er et kunstobjekt?
- Shortness
- History of medicine on video — training session and workshop
- Om Colin Rennies glasskulptur
- Rete — mailing list for the history of scientific instruments
- WellSphere blog copyright scam
- 20th century history of biomedicine at UCL
- European university museum meeting
- Best museum exhibition involving medical technology and medical engineering
- Smallpox virus glass sculpture — the problem of use of pseudocolours in public engagement with science
- New digitalizing signals from the Smithsonian
- 'Laboratory Life' by Suzanne Anker in Berlin
- Teaching at Medical Museion
- Museum blogger defects to Twitter — please come back!
- Museum exhibition comments on blog post
- What's so sympathetic about sympathy?
- Assembling a glass sculpture of ATP-synthase by Colin Rennie
- Til den søde tand
- Sweet gift basket for my teeth
- A cure for the common cold?
- Biomedical memoirs
- The use of museum objects in teaching
- Biotech is red, blue, white and green — now also in black — what about magenta?
- Biomedical memory
- Nanoscale science under investigation: a new issue of Spontaneous Generations
- A medical revolution?
- The great existential question …
- When comes the first medical history e-book?
- The exhaustion machine
- Digital lives — not yet 2.0, but maybe soon
- The Smithsonian toward a Smithsonian 2.0
- Is dress and conference code a yardstick for future success of scholarly and scientific fields?
- Medical knowledge and medical practice in the 20th century
- The blurred distinction between research objects and museum artefacts in a university collection context
- Smart spam for questionable acai berry health products
- Preannouncement for Artefacts meeting at Science Museum in September
- Er Design4Science simpel nok?
- Phillip Warnell's current art/research work at Medical Museion
- Design og videnskab
- Om forskerblogs
- Museum visitor feedback video system
- Kroppen/Usynlig Verden (The Body/Invisible World) opens next Friday at the Norwegian Technical Museum
- Medical Museion on search-cube
- Our new muscle man
- Reflections on science and medical collections in universities
- The Design4Science poster
- More design for science
- Design4Science at Medical Museion
- History of the neurosciences
- Kickbee — what's the point?
- The relation between amateur and professional medical collectors
- Public engagement with life extension (PhD studentships)
- Dimser til den kommende butik
- New Wikipedia initiative should be a must for humanities journals too
- Board gaming for medical and public health education
- Medicine on display — British Medical Journal on YouTube
- Being surprised instead of googling in advance
- Happy holidays
- Den ubesmittet undfangede vingummibamse
- Emotions in science — reinventing the wheel
- Museumsudstillinger i 'perpetual beta'
- Material Beliefs
- Dismantling Oldetopia
- The medical avatar may well be a way to introduce the future to you
- Postgrad course on the recent history of power, policies and health
- The history of biomedicine/biotech and economic policy
- History of Genetics Day, Norwich 2009
- Further training opportunity for health communication bloggers
- Global developments and local specificities in the history of medicine and health
- From wax moulages to dough moulages
- Medical soundscape
- Impressions from Deutsches Museum (2) — live research in the museum
- A group of Wellcome Library staff members
- Artifact or artefact?
- Exhibition-making behind the scene
- Epidemiology as a practice of collecting
- Visualization in biomedicine — last issue of Die Gegenwort
- Impressions from Deutsches Museum (1)
- Next European university museum meeting in Toulouse, June 2009
- History of medicine PhD scholarships in London, 2009-2011
- The journal Performance Research invites contributions to thematic issue about the stretching, rendering and formation of the decentred, displaced, denatured or amalgamated body
- Conference give-aways as medical ephemera
- New journal for museum and collection scholars
- Galaxy Zoo + Obama campaign = a medical heritage curatorial movement?
- 1001 blog posts later — almost four years old
- Today is World Philosophy Day: Should we kill healthy people for their organs?
- The hidden meaning in a microarray image
- Museum ethics
- Why do we blog and other important questions (reply to Martin Fenner, Nature Networks)
- Curating medical artifacts with an eye to the future
- Museums and biographies
- Digestive system house (CasAnus)
- Coffee and the body
- Next SymbioticA Biotech Art workshop in Stavanger, Norway, 18-21 November
- The presence of biomedical identity trumps mundane identity in the night hours
- Baltic-Nordic network for medical museums
- Useful list of medical history museums worldwide
- A rebuilt museumblogs.org — please save the archive!
- The recent history of personal genome services — next week is deCoDEme's and 23andMe's 1st year birthdays
- History of robotics — in medical museum exhibitions etc. (CFP)
- Is 'Biomedicine on Display' a metamedical object?
- Museological empiricism — impressions from the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow
- Using imaging technology to buy shoes — the 'Schucoskop'
- Our museum guest-book — a source for romantic encounters
- Want to spend some research time in the collections of the Science Museum?
- Science and the public: uncertain pasts, presents and futures
- Auctioning imaging diagnostics — another step in the marketization of medicine
- An art historian's concern with high-tech baby making
- Musik fra det indre øre
- Music from the inner ear
- Material worlds (Leicester, 15-17 December) — draft programme
- Philosophy of history vs. museum tangibles and specifics
- The recent history of evidence-based medicine
- Hall of Shame — the most fraudulent, vile, depraved, despicable, base, evil, wretched and slimy scientists of all times
- NLM's public health exhibition: 'Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health'
- Science partying
- A banner — at last
- Science blogging — and the power, beauty and fragility of science
- Body + art + disease (LA 6 November)
- Neuroimaging in the courtroom — can we blame our brains? (Cambridge, 21 October)
- Social and biosciences — a critical collaboration (Lancaster 11-12 December)
- Wet specimens, choir singing and lung testing at Medical Museion during Copenhagen Night of Culture
- Biomedical identity in a tattoo
- Exhibitions shall be argumentative and seductive!
- Collecting medical artefacts as a public-private enterprise
- 'A Biometric Tale' showing at the Imagine Science Film Festival next week
- Science dancing as science communication
- Medical theme restaurant Hospitalis in Riga, Latvia
- A true 'biomedicine-on-display' Nobel prize
- Can historians trust scientists as sources for auto/biographical stories?
- More history and philosophy of science journal editors join the protest against European Science Foundation's journal rating policy
- Has the emergence of the life sciences reconfigured C. P. Snow's two-cultures thesis?
- Hvorfor fik Robert Gallo ikke årets Nobelpris?
- Why didn't the Nobel Assembly give the prize to Gallo?
- Moving beyond recognition — how to make sense of recent medical artefacts?
- Art, science and material objects
- Online spaces that escape the digital wall of the offical museum website
- Medical museum for kids
- The Kircher connection: Jacob Kirkegaard's 'Labyrinthitis' at the Museum of Jurassic Technology
- Public engagement with autopsy — the ultimate surgery
- Blog block
- Visit Medical Museion during the Night of Culture in Copenhagen, 10 October
- Biomedical identity vs. mundane personal identity — an anecdotal observation of neonatal surveillance
- Guess the 2008 Nobel Prize awards
- Free from sponsored blogging
- Are science, technology and medicine studies hyperprofessionalised?
- Writing the history of Karolinska Institute, 1810-2010
- Examining the medical blogosegment
- Geographies of technoscience — an online reader
- Lennart Nilsson Award for virtual autopsy techniques
- The geography of the medical heritage — a touch of history in the clinic
- Science blogging vs. institutionally based science communication
- Metaphors for proteins and proteomics
- The making of a medical videographer — autobiography as a 'care of self'-genre
- Curatorial research doctoral studentship in Leeds for project about 19C midwifery instruments
- Evaluation report from Medical Museion International Advisory Board
- Science communication and personal presence
- Please, someone, put together a website about bars, cafés and restaurants with medical motifs
- In our series of awesome MRI scanners …
- Biomedical autobiographies
- Video publications will be indexed in MEDLINE/Pubmed
- There are curators — and then there are biocurators
- Biotech exhibitions between fascination / fetischism and resignation / hostility
- Transforming dead bodies into scientific and artistic objects
- Museum exhibitions as products and generators of scholarship
- Biomedical images online for exhibition purposes
- Ideas for a home-made pathological museum
- Physics meets biology: Perspectives from philosophy, history and science (Edinburgh, 18-20 November)
- How often do we think of exhibitions in terms of curatorial intention?
- Blog recommendations: In the Pipeline, Medgadget, Relevant History, Bioephemera and bbgm (Arte y Pico chain-blog)
- The bottomless pit of confusion that is the biomedical material heritage
- Science as a craft
- Spaghetti, medical object, or new artwork by Damien Hirst?
- Less frequent posting in August — we are busy writing about curating biomedicine
- Evolution Haute Couture: Art and science in the post-biological age — on exhibit in Kaliningrad from today
- A spinning CT scanner as a cool museum artefact
- The participatory museum — what's a medical museum 2.0 like?
- What does 'display' actually mean?
- Science blogging 2008 in London — for career building and public engagement with science
- How some museum donors ignore scholarship, marginalise curators and strive for mediocrity
- Are you interested in human remains? Then this could be your path to a dream job
- Group image of the History of Biomedical Research Interest Group
- University museums and the community (Manchester 16-20 September) now open for registration
- Science blogging, science communication and the multitude
- How to engage the public in biomedicine through the arts?
- Human remains: from anatomical collections to objects of worship
- What is artscience? And how can it support creativity and innovation?
- All 883 health and medicine blogs on display in one image (playing with Wordle – part 3)
- Biomedical animation movies and biomolecularmindedness — selling new technologies to the public (but they really need to do something about those creepy sound tracks)
- No animals were harmed in the making of this website
- Cloud of top 100 health and medicine blog names
- Somatechnics — the technologisation of bodies and selves (Sydney, April 2009)
- Medical Humanities (the journal) wants manuscripts
- Sleep DNA — the 'personalized' buzz has reached the mattress industry
- 'The Contentious Museum' conference in Aberdeen in November promises to become a pretty cautious affair
- I love pipetting — how about you? Eppendorf on YouTube
- Love at a sniff — come on, ever heard about culture?
- Profiles in Science: both updated and outmoded — a review of National Library of Medicine's website
- Calling on a million minds — the metaphorical dimension
- Anatomical models in scientific and cultural context
- What's a 'liquid image'? Find out at the "Gazing into the 21st century: against 'Analpha-BILD-ismus'"–conference on images in art, science and popular culture, Göttweig, 16-18 October
- Guide dogs for the blind, okay — but what about ventilation dogs for the respiratory impaired?
- Humanities journals under threat from the European research bureaucracy (ERIH)
- Using Wordle to create a blogroll cloud for my blog links
- Public health on public display
- Genetics, normality and democracy — a seminar series in Lund in the autumn
- New web toy — Wordle
- Smoking is feminine and chic — Swetlana Heger’s 'Smoke (Liberté Toujours)' in Kalmar’s new art museum
- Conference on the politics of the life sciences (biopolitics, biocitizenship, etc.)
- David Edwards' vision for Le Laboratorie (‘Artscience’ in Paris — part 2)
- Le Laboratoire – art and science in Paris
- Yet another argument for bringing art into science and medical museums (David Edwards's Artscience, 2008)
- Art is smart, art is chic, art is sophisticated (Why do museums want to bring art and science together? — part 7)
- Art and scientific citizenship (Why do museums want to bring art and science together? — part 6)
- Books for the summer vacation
- Art as a cross-disciplinary integrator (Why do museums want to bring art and science together? — part 5)
- Craig Venter’s A Life Decoded – a captivating read for adult boys (and for historians of the contemporary life sciences)
- Art and the biomedical invisibles (Why do museums want to bring art and science together? — part 4)
- Once aesthetically corrupted, always corrupted (Why do museums want bring art and science together – part 3)
- Why do museums want to bring art and science together? — part 2
- Why do museums want to bring art and science together?
- Why do you read Biomedicine on Display? And how can we make it better?
- Manufactured animals in history — discourses of health and welfare
- The Comfort of Things — an inquiry into unique singularities outside social notions of identity
- The near-haptic quality of a heart animation
- The burning cigarette lungs
- Two postdoc positions in science and technology studies in Oxford
- Strategic research or a dash of anarchy
- Neurodegenerative brain diseases on YouTube display — the formation of biocitizenship through the participatory web
- Making and sharing video tutorials
- Is building a protocell to model early life on earth a topic for medical research?
- Visual mediation and haptic immediacy: watching ultrasound scanning images vs. touching with the naked hand
- Microarrays on museum display
- Refrigerated drive-in virus sample delivery box carrying an anti-science-food-industry micro protest art installation.
- Biomedicine as street poster announcement
- Biomedical clip art — custom shapes for display
- Associate/full professorship in history of medicine in Oslo announced
- Is there a special beauty in science tied to the making of new things, new materials, new smells, new colours?
- Recent biomedicine and vitality
- Rethinking representational practices in contemporary art and modern life sciences
- Synapse for art-science-technology collaborations
- Exhibition on 20th century anaesthesiology and intensive care at the Euroanaesthesia 2008 meeting
- The age of anxiety: A history of America’s turbulent affair with tranquilizers
- Publications from the 'Biomedicine on Display' project, 2005-2008
- The history of personalized medicine
- Cybernetic heritage?
- The aesthetics of biomedical desktop images is a much under-researched area of visual culture studies.
- Meeting our Advisory Board
- Heritage and wellbeing
- Travelling exhibitions and the experience economy
- Ego-documents in biomedicine
- Multipurpose objects become specific medical objects through their use
- 'Science as Autobiography' lost in translation — 免疫学の巨人イェルネ
- What makes these things medical objects?
- Medicoprisen 2008 (The Annual Award of the Danish Medical Industry Organisation) to Medical Museion
- Anatomical Theatre — the hanging makes all the difference
- Tools of the surgical trade — the visual materiality of instruments
- Are there any microarray tattoos out there in the skin world?
- Killing off a piece of bioart
- Three reflections on the upcoming synthetic life conference in Roskilde
- Synthetic life — is it possible? what's the impact?
- Reiner Matysik's giant artificial organism show opens in Bonn today
- Pharma lab chemical compound bottles as designer's objects for collecting
- Is the microarray replacing DNA as the icon for biomedicine and the life sciences?
- Natasha Demkina (The Girl with X-Ray Eyes) filmed by Phillip Warnell
- Buttons for biomedicine
- Biomedicine on display — via the participatory web
- MoMA online exhibition of design, science and art
- Auto-Bio-Phagies — a blind alley for those who want to revisit the historical subject
- Avoid boring Watson
- Taming microarrays
- European Science Foundation and Kafka
- Beware of the digital museum — keyboards harbour harmful bacteria
- There are bodies everywhere …
- REAL instruments, please, not just images!
- Medical Museion on Swedish TV – Part 4
- Science & The Public, 3rd annual conference, Manchester 21-22 June
- NIH is looking for a historian of post-WWII biomedicine
- What about the human body in the future?
- Medical Museion on Swedish TV – part 3
- A medical history museum turned art gallery
- Mediation and immediacy: Displaying nano surfaces in a space of stone surfaces
- Another meeting on university museums
- Things, Tools and Touch: Exploring New Materialisms in Science, Technology and Medicine Studies
- Anatomical collections and the cultural imagery of the body
- Medical Museion on Swedish TV – part 2
- Joint university and museum PhD programmes is a great idea — but what about pre-specified phd projects?
Recent Posts
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- Att sätta rätt rubrik på kapitlet om gymnasiet
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- Att göra sin ångest m.m. till en hobby
- Om glädjen i att kontakta gamla vänner och kolleger
- The memory of smell, atmospheres, and memoir writing
- Mitt behov av att klara mig själv
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- Om memoarskrivandet och dödskonsten (ars moriendi)
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