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June 2006

Postgraduate Network in Life Sciences and Society

By Biomedicine in museums

The former DK-UK Postgraduate Network on Bio-studies has merged with something called PLSSG (Postgraduate Life Sciences and Society Group). This way, they say, “we can initiate local subgroups and arrangements as well as explore comparative and transnational trends”. So far the network is mainly limited to members in Denmark and the UK, but hopefully others will join. For further info, see the PLSSG website hosted by the London School of Economics.
(thanks to Annette V. Jensen,

Medical history public outreach

By Biomedicine in museums

The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London has taken an interesting and unusual initiative when creating a job for an ‘outreach historian’ (see the announcement here and below). The only problem is that the position (as judged by the announcement) does not seem to involve any requirement to do research in science communication studies, or museological studies, or any other research area of relevance for the communicative practice. If this is the case, the position risks becoming a second rate academic job. But otherwise it is an excellent initiative. Now at least five London institutions with a strong academic basis are competing in the increasingly important medical history public outreach arena.
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Upgrading the blog to combat GSS

By Biomedicine in museums

As you may have noticed, the blog has been idle for almost two weeks. We have been traumatised by the recent flood of spam. In fact almost 200 spam comments a day have come from these beasts who want to sell their online poker games, viagra pills, ‘cheap’ mortgages, etc., which they believe we are all in dire need of. Now we are in the process of upgrading to the newest 2.0.3 version of WordPress, which will not only give us much better blogging facilities but hopefully also a much better protection against the Global Spam Scum.