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Biomedicine in museums

Deadline for nominations for the Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits is May, 1

Last year, Medical Museion received the Society for the History of Technology’s (SHOT) Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits — an award that recognises museums and exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry and engineering to the general public.

I am proud to serve on the Dibner Award committee for 2012-2014 — and we are now inviting nominations for 2012.

The closing date for this year’s nominations is already May 1 (sorry for this late posting). Here are the rules (more here):

Exhibits are eligible for this award if they have been open to the public for no more than 24 months before the deadline for nominations. The Society especially encourages nominations from local and regional historical societies. Virtual exhibits are not eligible for the award .

Anyone, including the institution or individual responsible for its creation, may nominate an exhibit for the Dibner Award, using the nomination form available here as a PDF or Word document. The completed nomination form should be e-mailed to each member of the Dibner Committee. Deadline for nominations is 1May, except in the case of traveling and short-term exhibits that close before that date; in those cases, nominators must either submit their documents to the committee at least two months in advance of the exhibit’s closing date. Nomination documents may not under any circumstances exceed 1 MB or contain anything other than text and static images.

After reviewing nominations, the committee will choose a short list of finalists, giving sole consideration to the evaluation documents submitted. The committee will then arrange for a “live” reviewer to visit each of the short-listed exhibits and write a report. Normally the chair will draw upon recommendations for live reviewers made by the nominator in the nomination document, although s/he may use her/his judgment to assign alternative reviewers as needed, including members of the committee.

Please, send your nomination to all members of the committe:

Glenn Bugos (2012-14),
Jane Gavan, (2010-2012), (chair)
Matthias Heymann (2010-2012),
Sheldon Hochheiser (2010-14),
Arwen Mohun (2012-14),
Thomas Söderqvist (2012-14),

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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