If you happen to be near or in Philadelphia the weekend after next, you may consider attending the upcoming Medical Film Symposium. A awesome lot of film-makers, -theoreticians, and -historians will watch and discuss films that explore “the relationship between moving images and medical science”.
The Mütter Museum (no link provided, they have a malicious virus on their website right now!!, no kidding) will host the well-rounded Saturday program and the Friday night screening will take place in the Pennsylvania Hospital Surgical Theatre, which (Joanna says) is the oldest surgical theatre in the United States).
See the screening and academic program here. Register before Friday, 15 January. Joanna will attend the symposium in the role of “official blogger” for the event, so we can all expect to read well-written accounts about what went on — for example, whether the Saturday night party will turn into a symposium in the original meaning of the word, or not.