As you may know by now, the Medical History Museum at the University of Copenhagen, founded in 1906-07, was renamed Medical Museion in 2003 to mark a change in focus: from doing traditional medical history to understanding what’s going on medicine’s past, present and future through a combination of research and curatorial work.
The results of the last five-six years efforts can be excavated from some of the earlier 2270 (wow, that’s actually quite a few) posts on this site/blog — and here are some of the latest highlights from the year 2011:
We opened the new Balance and Metabolism gallery on the 1st floor in the
We hanged the Genomic Enlightenment installation
The July 2nd cloudburst
Pic a Museum in March
New Web Presence
Astrid’s movies
Jan Erik Olsens research grant on the blind-historical collection
New staff: Niels, Nanna, Daniel, Karin and Louise
Nina came to help us develop the social web with special respect to public health science.