If you happen to pass through Copenhagen in the weekend, don’t miss the opportunity to visit Medical Museion on Friday night. We’re open 6-12pm during the Copenhagen Culture Night, with the following highlights:
1) From wooden leg to robotic arm:
Together with the Amputation Group of the Danish Handicap Society we are focusing on amputation and prosthetics. At the entrance level of the museum we are displaying selected artefacts from our historical prosthetics collection together with hight tech artificial arms and legs. Throughout the evening an expert in contemporary prosthetics will talk about his daily work of making prosthetic arms and legs to Danish soldiers. We’ve also invited users prosthetic limbs to show what they can actually do with such things. Finally, our head of collections, Ion Meyer, will talk about the history of amputation.
2) Check your lung capacity!
2010 is the ‘Year of the Lung’ here in Denmark. Accordingly, the Danish Lung Society focuses on one óf the most devastating public health problems — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lots of people have disfunctional lung capacity without really knowing. A group of medical doctors and nurses will make a COPD-test in one of the rooms on the first floor — and also give advice about further investigation, if necessary.
3) Medical Museion’s Investigation Room opens
Postdoc Lucy Lyons inaugurates our Investigaton Room, in which you can learn to see by means of drawing. You are invited to investigate selected artefacts from our collections with a pencil. We don’t care if you “can draw” or not; it’s about using the pencil to investigate physical objects.