For professional audiences
“Den akademiska självbiografin” [Academic autobiography]. Talk at Seniorakademien, University of Gothenburg, 26 September 2018.
“At huske og skrive om sit liv – opskrift på en god alderdom?” [To remember and write about one’s life – a recipe for good ageing]. Talk at PROSA-Forbundet af IT-professionelle (Seniorudvalget), Copenhagen, 20 September 2018.
“From light green to dark green to brown, beige and black: does life change colours from birth to death?”. Abstract accepted for 12th European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Copenhagen 13-16 June 2018, 13 June 2018 (abstract; talk was cancelled).
“Autobiography as history, curriculum vitae, or ars moriendi?” Talk in workshop ‘Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions’, German Physical Society’s Section for History of Physics, Physics Center, Bad Honnef, Germany, 22-25 May 2018.
“Ageing gracefully through memoir writing: historical inspirations for 21st century academics”. Abstract accepted for conference ‘New Historical Perspectives on Ageing and the Life Course’, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds, UK, 19-20 March 2018 (abstract; talk was cancelled).
“Triangulating autobiography, nostalgia and the history of contemporary medicine as a path to graceful ageing”. Keynote lecture at History of Medicine Days 2018 Conference, University of Calgary, Canada, 2 March 2018 (abstract).
“Här har jag mitt liv! Självbiografin som curriculum vitae eller ars moriendi?” [Here’s my life! Autobiography as curriculum vitae or ars moriendi?]. Talk at postgraduate research seminar in history of ideas and learning, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, 8 November 2017.
“The point of museums is to play with material stuff”, Parting lecture, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 3 November 2016 (manuscript).
“Taking stock of your life as a researcher: what can scientists use autobiography and memoir writing for?”. Talk at Polymorfien seminar, Danish State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 April 2016.
“Against narrativity”. Talk at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, 29 January 2015 (powerpoint)
“Materialitet og nysgerrighed: Forskning, udstillinger og sociale medier”. Talk at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, 5 January 2015 (powerpoint)
“Art-science interaction from a sci/tech/medicine museum perspective”. Talk at Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, 25 October 2014 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Materialitet og nysgerrighed: Forskning, udstillinger og sociale medier”. Talk at Vejle Museum, 16 September 2104 (powerpoint)
“The art-science connection”. Paper in session [title unknown], Euroscience Open Forum, Copenhagen, 25 June 2014 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“A healthy ageing communication platform”. Talk at Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen, 6 May 2014 (powerpoint)
“Touching the tactile”. Intro talk to workshop ‘Touching the Tactile’, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 10 April 2014 (powerpoint)
“Vetenskapsmuseer och den materiella vändningen i humaniora – biopolitisk abdikation eller medborgarengagemang?”. Talk at Department of History of Ideas, Lund University, 13 March 2014 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“A citizen-centric approach to innovation in active and healthy ageing: Social networking as a platform for civic engagement”. Talk at InnoLIFE Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam, 27 February 2014 (powerpoint)
“Social media: A waste of time or the future for scientific communication?”. Talk at Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre Hospital, 6 December 2013 (powerpoint)
“Research-outreach interaction”. Short presentation at Experimentarium, Hellerup, 20 November 2013 (powerpoint)
“Public engagement with healthy ageing research”. Talk at Center for Healthy Aging Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, University of Copenhagen, 13 November 2013 (powerpoint)
“Forskning, kuratering och sociale medier: om att stimulere den intellektuella fantasin på museer”. Talk at Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, University, 26 October 2013 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Er det ubetinget godt at blive ved med at være nyskabende og nytænkende?”. Talk in seminar ‘Forskning og livsforløb: har kreativiteten en udløbsdato?, Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen, 8 October 2013 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Stories and ideas are ripples on the surface of the history of the material world”. Talk at Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University, 24 September 2013 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“NNF-CBMR Section for science communication”. Talk at Center for Basic Metabolic Research Scientific Advisory Board, University of Copenhagen, 26 August 2013 (powerpoint)
”Perspectives on public engagement with ageing research”, Talk at InnoLife Ageing Workshop, University of Copenhagen, 23 August 2013.
“Understanding social media in STEM museums: the lessons from establishing a bio-hacking laboratory” (with K. Tybjerg). Paper in session ‘Research in science museums: the state of the art’ (presented by K. Tybjerg), International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, 23 July 2013 (powerpoint)
“Integrating research, acquisitioning, curation, exhibition making and events in museums”. Talk at Association of Danish Museums Annual Meeting, Horsens, 13 March 2013 (manuscript).
“The power of objects lies outside the cultural and social domains”. Intro talk at workshop ‘It’s not what you think: communicating medical materialities’, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 9 March 2013.
“Museeer ved SUND i går, i dag og i morgen”. Talk at Veterinærhistorisk museum, University of Copenhagen, 6 February 2013 (powerpoint).
“Do things really talk? Are there really hidden stories in objects? Can you write the biography of an artefact?”. Talk at European Association of Museums of the History of the Medical Sciences, Berlin, 14 September 2012 (manuscript)
“Ageing science communication studies”. Talk at Center for Healthy Aging Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, University of Copenhagen, 22 May 2012 (powerpoint)
“In medias res: The aesthetics of scientific, technological and medical things”. Talk at 6th Swedish STS Network Meeting, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 3 May 2012 (abstract and powerpoint)
“Mundane design vs. fine sci-art: Two realms of aesthetic practice in science communication. Paper in session ‘The role of the humanities in science communication: epistemology, aesthetics, axiology’, 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Florence, 19 April 2012 (abstract and powerpoint).
”Mundane design vs. fine sci-art: Two realms of aesthetic practice in science communication”. Talk at Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 3 February 2012 (abstract)
“Science, history, art, and everyday aesthetics in fetus/embryo collections”. Talk at workshop ‘Tornbladinstitutet’, Lund University, 27 January 2012 (powerpoint)
“Are there any narratives in these exhibitions?”. Talk at Danish Narrativity Research Network meeting, University of Copenhagen, 9 December 2011 (manuscript)
“Medical Museion”. Talk at Wellcome Collection, London, 25 October 2011 (powerpoint)
“How do we foster public engagement in ageing research?”. Talk at Center for Healthy Aging Scientific Board Meeting, University of Copenhagen, 30 September 2011 (powerpoint)
“Collection impossible: distributed curatorship and crowd-sourcing as alternatives to centralised collecting”. Talk at Artefacts XVI Annual Meeting (Conceptualizing, Collecting and Presenting recent Science and Technology), Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 26 September 2011 (abstract, manuscript, powerpoint)
“Om Medicinsk Museions samlingar.” Talk at conference ‘Exponering av mänskliga kvarlevor’ [‘Exposition of human remains], Västarvet, Gothenburg, 24 August 2011.
“Collecting post-genomics: Acquisition venues and crowdsourcing”. Talk at Colleting Genomics Meeting, Department of History of Science, University of Cambridge, 13 May 2011 (manuscript)
“Museer och forskningsförmedling”. Talk at Deans and Heads of Departments Annual Meeting, University of Copenhagen, 3 May 2011 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Hvad er god forskningsformidling i sociale webmedier?”. Talk at workshop ‘Forskningsformidling’, University of Copenhagen, 23 March 2011 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Healthy ageing on the art-science/art-design interface”. Keynote at IARU Congress on Ageing, Longevity and Health, University of Copenhagen, 6 October 2010 (manuscript and powerpoint).
“Cultures of meaning and cultures of presence: the use of material objects in history of science, medicine and technology”, Talk at Museu de Cienca, University of Lisbon, 10 May 2010 (manuscript and powerpoint).
“Hvordan kan erhvervslivet inddrages i museum 2.0?”. Talk at Association of Danish Museums Annual Meeting, Fuglsø, 11 November 2009 (abstract, blog post manuscript and powerpoint).
“Who is afraid of the contemporary medical heritage”. Talk at Thackray Museum, Leeds, 14 May 2009 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Do things talk? Yes, in Calvin’s world they do!”. Talk at Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds, 13 May 2009 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Sundhedsforskningens betydning for humaniora”. Talk at Humanistisk tænketank, University of Copenhagen, 6 May 2009 (manuscript)
“Lärdomar från Wellcome Collection”. Talk at Novo Nordisk Fondens Faellesmode, Carlsberg Akademi, 19 March 2009 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Do things talk?”. Talk at conference ‘The exhibition as product and generator of scholarship’, Deutsches Museum, Munich, 27 November 2008 (abstract and manuscript and powerpoint).
“Science blogging, singularities and the multitude of technoscience”. Paper in session ‘The public engagement of science and web 2.0’, 10th Conference of Public Communication of Science and Technology Network, Malmö, 27 June 2008 (abstract and manuscript + powerpoint).
“Science blogging, singularities and the multitude of technoscience”. Talk at 3rd Annual Science and the Public Conference, Manchester, 21 June 2008 (abstract, manuscript and powerpoint).
“Five reasons why a medical museum director wants to bring art and science together”. Paper in session ’Rethinking representational practices in contemporary art and modern life science’, Biannual European Conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Berlin, 6 June 2008 (manuscript).
“History, literature, or moral tale? Cultural functions of biographies of scientists”, Talk at Programme Biographique, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris, 17 April 2008 (powerpoint).
“The Historianimation of Contemporary Technomedicoscience (NewGoogleWorldStudiesTube, 2017)”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Aarhus University, 14 April 2008.
“Outline for The Historianimation of Contemporary Technomedicoscience (NewGoogleWorldStudiesTube, 2017)”. Talk at Teknik- och vetenskapshistoriska dagar 2008, Tekniska museet, Stockholm, 8 April 2008 (abstract, manuscript and powerpoint)
“Making sense or sensing the made?”. Talk at workshop ’Communicating medicine: objects and objectives’, Center for ther History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, 7 March 2008.
”Science communication, blogging and the multitude of technoscience”. Talk at workshop ‘Vetenskapskommunikation som samproduktion av vetenskap och dess publiker’, Nobelmuseum, Stockholm, 8 February 2008 (manuscript)
”Museet som universitet – mellem fortolkning og nærvær”. Talk at Annual Conference of National Museum of Denmark, 22 January 2008 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Biography and methodological individualism in the historiography of science and science studies”. Talk at conference ‘Telling the past now: historiographies for the 21st century’, Århus University, 23 November 2007 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Den globale teknovidenskabelige kultur som museal udfordring”. Paper in session ’Naturvidenskab, medicin og teknologi som kultur’, Association of Danish Museums Annual Meeting, Fuglsø, 14 November 2007 (powerpoint).
”Beyond contextualism: the concrete individual as a focus point”. Paper in session ’Scientific biography: constructing the human element in the production of science’, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Arlington, Va., 4 November 2007 (abstract).
”Beyond the hegemony of the visual: exploring medical objects with other senses” (with Jan Eric Olsén). Talk at 12th Artefacts Annual Meeting, Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Oslo, 17 September 2007 (abstract)
[No title]. Intro talk at conference ‘Art and biomedicine: beyond the body’, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,
Kunstakademiet, Copenhagen 3 September 2007 (manuscript.
”Medicinhistoriske betragtninger”. Talk at Embedslægeforeningens 125-årsjubileum, Domus Medica, 17 August 2007 (manuscript).
”Production of biomedical presence”. Paper at workshop ’Biomedicine and aesthetics in a museum context’, University of Copenhagen (manuscript)
”Investigating the conditions for presence-production”. Talk at symposium ’Research and museums’, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 25 May 2007 (manuscript and powerpoint)
”Biomedicine and aesthetics”. Talk at Department of Literature, University of Oslo, 14 February 2007.
”Representing contemporary biomedicine in a museum context”. Talk at Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 29 January 2007 (powerpoint)
”MRI scanners and Madeleine cakes: contemporary radiological heritage and professional identity”. Talk at 2nd Annual Meeting of the Danish Radiological Society, Copenhagen, 24 January 2007 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Representing individuality in contemporary biomedicine”. Paper at symposium ’Contested categories’, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 15 January 2007 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“A historical perspective on evolutionary medicine”. Intro talk at symposium ’What and why medical doctors need to know about evolution’, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 15 December 200 (manuscript and powerpoint)
”Den molekylære biomedicin: humanioras nye udfordring”, Talk at Jakobinerklubben, Domus Medica, 7 December 2006 (powerpoint).
”Biomedicine and culture”. Talk at Biologue and Danish Pharma Consortium Reception, 6 December 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”DNA microarray technology: a historical approach”. Talk at minisymposium ’A new genetic horizon in oncology’, Metamedica, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1 December 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Public engagement with invisible bodies”. Keynote at Lorentz Center workshop ’Perspectives on scientific practice’, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, 30 November 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Biomedicinens estetik”. Talk at Georg Brandes Forskarskolan, University of Copenhagen, 22 November 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Biografiens mange ansigter”. Talk at conference ’Biografiens opstandelse’, Fondet for dansk-norsk samarbeide, Lysebu, Oslo, 18 November 2006 (powerpoint).
”Integrating medical museology and the historiography of recent biomedicine”. Talk at conference ‘Samtidshistorisk medicinhistoria’, University of Gothenburg, 23 October 2006 (powerpoint)
”Opløsningen af grænserne mellem ‘arkiv’, ‘bibliotek’ og ‘museum’”. Talk at seminar ’ABM-samarbejde: realiteter og perspektiver’, The Royal Library, Copenhagen, 25 September 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”The gene chip between meaning and presence”. Talk in 11th Artefacts Annual Meeting, Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 15 September 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”To give to global genomes a local habitation and a name: the gene chip as a visualization device”. Paper in session ’Visualizing recent biomedicine and public health’, Society for the Social History of Medicine Annual Conference 2006, Warwick University, 30 June 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“Does recent biomedicine mean the end of the modern medical museum?”. Talk at Titeko Summer School 2006 (History of science), Kaisankoti, Espoo (Finland), 29 May 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint)
“What’s the use of biography in the history of recent science and science studies?”. Talk at Titeko Summer School 2006 (History of science), Kaisankoti, Espoo (Finland), 29 May 2006.
”Displaying DNA microarray technology and regimes of biopower: a problem for museology”. Talk at Imperial College/Science Museum, 25 May 2006 (abstract, manuscript and powerpoint).
“A most unruly kind of objects: biomedical researchers as indeterminate singularities and ‘queer’ subjectivities”. Talk at International Max Planck Research Network ’History of Scientific Objects’ Wandering Seminar 2006 at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 12 May 2006 (manuscript)
“The Medical Museion concept: exploring the culture of biomedicine in the age of globalization”. Talk at International Max Planck Research Network ’History of Scientific Objects’ Wandering Seminar 2006 at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, 9 May 2006 (manuscript)
”Displaying DNA microarray technology and the formation of ’biological citizenship’. Paper in session ’Medicinsk teknik’, Teknikhistoriska dagar, Uppsala University, 5 April 2006 (cf powerpoint 15 March).
”History, literature or moral tale? The uses of scientific biography”. Talk at Societat Catalana d’Història de la Cieència i de la tècnica (Institut d’Estudio Catalans), Barcelona, 31 March 2006 (powerpoint).
”Who’s afraid of the recent biomedical heritage?”, Talk to Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, Barcelona, 30 March 2006 (powerpoint).
”Displaying DNA microarray technology and the formation of ’biological citizenship’. Talk at seminar ’The value of objects, materials and practices’, Lancaster University, 15 March 2006 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”A most unruly kind of objects: biomedical researchers as indeterminate singularities and ’queer’ subjectivites”. Paper in session ’Carnevalesque medicine: representing and displaying curious, anecdotal, unique, peculiar and monstrous biomedical objects’, Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference 2005, Pasadena, 22 October 2005 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Biomedicinens samtidshistoria: en metodologisk utmaning”. Talk at conference ’Medicinhistoria idag’, Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 22 August 2005 (manuscript)
”Forskarbiografin: en bro mellan vetenskap, värderingar och individ”, Centrum för studier av vetenskap och värderingar. Talk at Triple Helix, Umeå University, 24 May 2005 (manuscript and powerpoint)
”Medicinsk Museion: ett nytt koncept för integration av forskning, undervisning, insamling och utställningar”. Talk at Centrum för vetenskap och värderingar, Humanisthuset, Umeå University, 23 May 2005 (powerpoint)
”Collecting and displaying bodies and body parts: what’s the problem?”. Talk at symposium ’Law, ethics and the historical display of human remains’, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, London, 14 April 2005.
“What’s the use of writing lives of recent scientists?”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 8 April 2005 (manuscript and powerpoint)
”The rise of biomedicine and the end of the modern medical museum”. Handerson Medical History Lecture, Dittrick Museum, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 31 March 2005.
”Medicin, kultur og historie: universitet + museum = ?”, Talk at Department of History of Science, Aarhus University, 16 December 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint)
”Why should we remember scientists of the past?”. Talk at Pfizer Medical Directors Meeting, Statens Museum for Kunst, 20 October 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Ska vi bevara vårt nutida biomedicinska kulturarv?”. Lars Thorén Lecture, Uppsala Medical History Society, 14 October 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”The seven virtues of biography”. Talk at Boston Colloquium on the History and Philosophy of Science, Boston University, 5 October 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Is biography commemoration, literature, history, or moral tale”. Talk at Department of History of Medicine, Yale University, 4 October 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Representing recent biomedicine: a museological challenge, Talk at Department of Medical History and Bioethics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1 October 2004 (manuscript).
”Is biography entertainment, commemoration, history, or moral tale?”. Talk at Department of History of Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 29 September 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”The seven virtues of biography, or: what’s the use of biographies of life scientists?”. Talk at Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 27 September 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”The rise of molecular biomedicine and the end of the modern medical museum”. Talk at Wood Institute, College of Physicians, Philadelphia, 24 September 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”History, entertainment or moral tale: what’s the use of biographies of scientists?”. Talk in seminar ‘History of Contemporary Science and Technology’, National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C., 23 September 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”The seven virtues of biography, or: what’s the use of biographies of life scientists?”, Keynote lecture at NIH History Day 2004, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, 21 September 2004 (manuscript and powerpoint).
”Varslar den nya biomedicinen om muséernas död?”, Talk in Humanities and Medicine Program, Lund University, 14 September 2004 (manuscript).
”Medicinens praksis og professioner, dens kultur og historie, og dens museer”. Talk at cross-disciplinary seminar ’Museernes historie og teori’, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 27 February 2004 (manuscript).
”Forskerbiografin som genre: vad kan vi lära av historien?. Talk at Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 9 February 2004.
“How in the world should we make the right priorities?. Talk at University of Copenhagen Priority Program ‘Religion i det 21. århundrede” Frederiksdal, 8 December 2003 (manuscript)
“Kreativitet och immunitet”. Talk at Forskningspolitiska institutet, Lund University, 28 November 2003.
”Science, medicine and metaphysics”. Talk at seminar ’Religiøs viden og viden om religion’, University of Copenhagen , 25 November 2003(manuscript).
”Live or dead? Problems in writing lives of recent scientists”. Talk (with Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis) at Videnskabshistorisk Selskab, Copenhagen, 25 November 2003.
”Individets og biografiens placering i medicinhistorien”. Talk at Medisinhistorisk seminar ‘La direction Grande’, NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 20 November 2003.
(with H. Jessen and F. A. Rasmussen) “Mikrober og kloner: oplæg til en strategi for dokumentation af den danske biomedicinske kulturarv, 1945-2000”, Helse- og Medicinhistorisk Årsmøde, Copenhagen, 14 November 2003. (abstract)
”The place of the personal life in the historiography of recent science”. Talk at conference ’Historiography of philosophy, intellectual history and science’, 4 October 2003, Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen (manuscript)
”Why are there so few public health biographies?”. Keynote at 7th Congress of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health, Oslo, 4 September (manuscript).
”Dish washers and molecular knives: representing the recent molecular ’revolution’ in medical history collections”. Paper in session ‘University collections: what are our current challenges/opportunities?”, conference ’University collections: are they worth it?’, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and the Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, 5 July 2003 (manuscript).
”Medicinhistorien i spændingsfeltet mellem teksternes historie og genstandenes historie”. Talk at Stiftelsen Nasjonalt medisinsk museum’s seminar, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, 4 June 2003 (manuscript).
”Fortid og fremtid: hvad kan videnskabshistoriske studier bidrage med?”. Short talk at VidenNet Research Network, Copenhagen Business School, 26 May 2003 (manuscript)
”Nationalt perspektiv – hvorfor?”. Short talk at seminar ’Medicinhistoriske fortællinger’, Medical Museion, 22 May 2003 (manuscript)
”Why should we remember a life scientist?”. Sir William Paton Memorial Lecture, Wellcome Trust, London, 8 April 2003(manuscript)
“Att skriva biovetenskapernas historia: tre problem”. Talk at workshop ‘Att sälja biologi: biovetenskapernas moderna utveckling’, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm, 9 January 2003 (manuscript)
“The spectacle of science through the spectacles of lives: biography and 20th century public understanding of science”. Talk at symposium “Life and work: scientific biographies in comparative perspective”, Collegium Helveticum, Zürich, 14. januar 2002. (manuscript + printed article 2003)
“Life, work and virtue: biographies of scientists as an ethical genre”. Keynote at conference ‘Står det til liv? Biografiens problemer, popularitet og praksis’, Oslo, 25 April 2002 (manuscript).
“The poetics of biography and the historiography of science”. Paper for workshop ‘The poetics of biography in science, technology and medicine’, Magleås Conference Centre, Denmark, 23 May 2002 (manuscript).
“Biographies of scientists: methodological reflections”. Talk at conference ‘Science and religion: the religious beliefs and practicies of scientists’, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, 29 May 2002 (manuscript).
”Bioi som medicinhistoriens omdrejningspunkt”. Talk at seminar ’Kroppen og den moderne medicin’, Århus University 27 September 2002 (manuscript).
“Biografien: en genre med många olikartade syften”. Talk at Historiska seminariet, Södertörns högskola, 4 November 2002
“Biography and the history of recent science”, seminaroplæg ved Department of History of Science and Technology”, Johns Hopkins University, 20. november 2002.
“The history of medical biography”, seminaroplæg ved Department of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 28. november 2002.
“Virtuous life in science: Plutarch revisited: scientific biography as a contribution to research ethics”. Talk at Philosophy Department, University of Reading, 13 March 2001 (manuscript)
“Why are biographies of scientists of interest for the public understanding of science?”. Talk at London Public Understanding of Science Seminar, University College London, 21 March 2001 (manuscript)
“Plutarch revisited: scientific biography as a contribution to research ethics”. Talk at conference ‘Biographie schreiben’, Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, 19 January 2001 (manuscript)
“[Nya brytningsmönster i medicinhistorien”]. Keynote at XVIII Nordiske Medicinhistoriske Kongress, Copenhagen, København, 14 June 2001 (manuskript)
“Scientific biography: a history of the genre”. Talk at Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 19 June 2001 (manuscript).
“What does a 21st century biomedical object look, smell, taste, sound and feel like?”. Talk at BSHS-SFd’HST Joint meeting on the history of science in museums (‘Les rêves et les choses’), Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, 1 July, 2001 (manuscript).
“What can we learn from the life of Niels K. Jerne”. Opening keynote lecture, 11th International Congress of Immunology, Stockholm, 22 July 2001 (manuscript).
“Forskerbiografien i vetenskapshistorien: författarintentioner och läsarförväntningar”. Paper in workshop ‘Biografi och självbiografi’ at conference ‘Genreproblem’, University of Gothenburg, 24 August 2001 (abstract).
“The new class and the unity of science”. Talk at Workshop ‘Unifying nature, past and present’, Department of History, University of Florida, 22 September 2001 (manuscript).
“Virtue revisited? The poetics of scientific and medical biographies”. Talk at Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, 10 October 2001 (manuscript).
“Niels K. Jerne och den historiska biografin”. Institut for Historie, Roskilde Universitetscenter, 25 October 2001.
“Virtue revisited? The poetics of scientific biography”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Harvard University, 2 November 2001 (manuscript)
“Steps towards a history of scientific biography”. Talk at Department of History of Medicine, Yale University, 5 November 2001 (predistributed bullet points)
“‘No genre fell under more odium than that of biography’: scientific biography and its history of science critics”. Talk at ‘Boston Colloquium on Scientific Biography’, Boston University, 6 November 2001 (manuscript)
“Forskerbiografi”. Talk at Forum for tværvidenskabelig medicinhistorisk forskning, Universoty of Copenhagen, 14 January 2000 (manuscript)
“Collecting in the perspective of a historiography of recent science, technology and medicine”. Talk at symposium ‘Collecting modern medical objects’, Boerhaave Museum, Leiden, 11 March 2000.
“Writing the life of a living scientist: ethical problems”. Talk at Cabinet of Natural History, Department of History of Science, Cambridge University, 13 March 2000 (manuscript).
“Visioner om forskning og undervisning i medicinens historie i Danmark”. Talk at Jysk Medicinhistorisk Selskab, Århus, 2 May 2000
“Medicinhistoriens fremtid: i krydsfeltet mellem historieteori, patienter og højteknologisk lægegerning”. Inaugural lecture, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 4 May 2000 (manuscript).
“Biografin som genre i medicinsk-historisk forskning”. Talk at seminar ‘Humanistisk sundhedsforskning’, University of Copenhagen, 12 May 2000.
“Medicinhistorie og ‘filosofikum’”. Talk at research day on ‘medicinhistorie’, Department of Public Health, Universoty of Copenhagen, 23 May 2000.
“Scientific biography as a (the most pervasive) genre for the public understanding of science in modernity”. Talk at conference ‘Science sommunication, education and the history of science’, Royal Society, London, 13 July 2000 (manuscript).
“Medicinhistorie og sygeplejehistorie: to søskende på en svær sejlads mellem historisk distance og professionel nidkærhed”. Talk at Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Selskab, 19 September 2000 (manuskript)
“Neurology à la Plutarch”. Talk at workshop ‘Analytical problems in the history of neurosciences’, 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Copenhagen, 17 October 2000 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography as a genre in medical history”. The Egill Snorrason Lecture 2000, Icelandic Medical History Association, 28 October 2000 (manuscript)
“Aktuelle perspektiver i medicinsk-historisk forskning”. Talk at Foreningen for Københavns Seniorlæger, 16 November 2000.
“Scientific biography in the past: steps towards a discourse analysis. Talk at Science Museum, London, 29 November 2000 (manuscript)
“Hvad kan man lære af at læse forskerbiografier?”. Talk at Department of Economy, Forest and Landscape, College of Agriculture, Copenhagen, 6 April 1999.
“Forskerbiografien og de videnskabelige dyder”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Aarhus University 8 April 1999 (manuscript).
“Virtue ethics and the historiography of science”. Talk at ‘Persona seminar’, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 3 June 1999 (manuscript).
“Criticism of the notion of ‘scientific persona'”. Concluding commentary at workshop ‘Scientific personae’, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 6 June 1999 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography: a genre history”. Talk at conference ‘Between the history of science and the history of ideas, Oulu University, 25 September 1999 (manuscript).
“Forskarrollen och det goda livet”. Talk at conference ‘Forskningens rolle i det 21. århundrede’, The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy, 29 September, 1999 (manuscript).
“Nutidsbiografi och nutidsetik”. Talk at conference ‘Levnadsloppsforskning och berättelsemetoder’, Nätverket föir levnadsloppsforskning, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm, 12 November 1999 (manuscript).
“Forskerbiografien som eksemplarisk forskningsetik”. Talk at Nationalkommiteen for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofis annual meeting årsmøde, Roskilde University, 4 December 1999 (manuscript).
“Biografien over Niels Kaj Jerne: immunologiske, litterære og etiske problemer”. Talk at Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Aarhus University, 8 December 1999.
“Underholdning, moralsk opbyggelse eller videnskab: biografiens komplicerede forhold til historiefagene”, oplæg ved SHF’s netværk for historieteori og historiografi, KU, 7. februar 1998.
“Den eksistentielle forskerbiografi”. Talk at Historisk Samfund, Copenhagen, 25 March 1998 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography and the popularization of science”. Talk at conference ‘Forskning om popularisering av vetenskap och forskningsinformation’, Centrum för Medieforskning, Halmstad College, 8 May 1998 (manuscript).
“Biografien: historieskrivning, romanerstatning eller opbyggelseslitteratur”. Talk at conference ‘Verden af i går’, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, Copenhagen, 15 May 1998.
“Immunologists as moral beings”. Paper at colloquium ‘Immunology: historical issues and contemporary debates’ Musée Claude Bernard, Saint-Julien-en-Beaujolais, 4 June 1998 (manuscript).
“På grænsefladen mellem legende kreativitet og eksperimentel discipline: den danske biolog Niels K. Jernes vej til Nobelprisen”. Talk at conference ‘Videnskabelig forskning og kunstnerisk skaben’, DGI Forskningsudvalg,Copenhagen, 1 October 1998 (manuscript)
“Biografin och nutidshistorien”. Talk at conference ‘Efterkrigstidens idéhistoria’, Stockholm University, 23 October 1998 (manuscript)
“Helgenbiografi og forskerbiografi”. Talk at Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab, Aarhus University, 9 December 1998 (manuscript).
“Forskarbiografien som idéhistorisk genre”. Talk at Department of Cultural Studies (History of Ideas), Lund University, 2 December 1998.
“Videnskabernes nutidshistorie” [History of contemporary science]. Talk at Department of History of Science, Aarhus University, 20 January 1997.
”Biografin i vetenskapshistorien”. Talk at Department of Historyr, Roskilde University, 28 January 1997.
“Det själlösa jagandet efter kreativiteten”. Talk at seminar ‘Forskning, kreativitet, formidling, Department of Communication Studies, Roskilde University, 19 March 1997.
”History of science and cultural history after post-structuralism: biography as an integrating genre”. Talk at 6th International History Colloquium, Universidad de Navarra, 10 April 1997 (talk cancelled) (manmuscript).
“Till läsesalskulturens försvar” [A defense of reading room culture]”. Talk at conference ‘Det undervisende bibliotek’ [The teaching library], Roskilde University Library 25th Anniversary Meeting, 29 April 1997.
No title [”The virtues and the ’good life’ in science”].Talk at conference ‘Cosmopolitics: philosophy of science and nature’, Aarhus University, 7 May 1997 (manuscript)
”Forskarbiografin som uppbygglig genre”. Talk at symposium on scientific biography, Kungl. Vitterhets-, Historie- och Antikvitetsakademin, Stockholm, 13 May 1997.
“Danish science in an international perspective: introductory remarks”. Talk at symposium ‘How to write Danish history of science in an international perspective?’, Roskilde University, 6 June 1997 (manuscript).
“Forskerbiografi og vitenskabshistorie”. Talk at VIT & VOK seminar, Faculty of Humanities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 9 June 1997.
“Fear and anxiety in scientific practice”. Talk at symposium ‘Passion in Art, Passion in Science’, Roskilde University, 19 November 1997. manuscript.
“Vetenskapernas Köpenhamn” [Copenhagen science]. Talk at Department of History of Science, Uppsala University, 17 December 1997
“Att skriva biografi över en nutida intellektuell: metodiska och teoretiska problem”. Talk at Department of History, Uppsala University, 17 December 1997.
”Universitetskultur och urban kultur: forskningsprojektet ’Vetenskapernas Köpenhamn’”.Talk at conference ‘Universitetskultur och universitetshistoria’, Lund University, 29 March 1996.
”Biografin som sond in i den biomedicinska hälsoforskningen”. Talk at Tredje nordiske konferanse om humanistisk helseforskning, University of Oslo, 11 May 1996 (manuscript).
”Den romantiske enhed mellem livet og værket”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Aarhus University 23 May 1996 (manuscript).
“Biography and the good life in science”. Talk at colloquium ‘The good life in science’, Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Stanford University, 31 May 1996 (manuscript).
“Det goda livet i vetenskapen”. Talk at Nordisk doktorandkonferens i idé- och lärdomshistoria, Copenhagen 12 June 1996 (manuscript).
“Biograpy as a therapy of scientific desire: a neo-hellenistic approach to science studies”. Paper in session ‘Biography at the Cross-Roads: Towards a Biographical Turn in the History of Science’, British-North American History of Science Societies Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 July 1996 (manuscript).
”Copenhagen science: A scientific community in its urban context”. Talk at conference ‘The city as cultural metaphor’ (2nd International Summer School of the International Institute of Applied Aesthethics), Copenhagen, 22 August 1996 (manuscript).
”Den romantiska enheten mellan livet och verket: Niels K Jerne och den immunbiologiska revolutionen”. Talk at Department of Theory of science, University of Oslo, 30 August 1996.
”Från immunkemi till immunbiologi”. Talk at Dansk Selskab for Historisk Kemi, Copenhagen, 2 October 1996 (manuscript).
”Findes der romantikere i den moderne biologi? Niels K. Jerne, det kognitive netværk og længslen efter det sublime”. Talk at August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhjagen, 14 November 1996.
”København som historiografiskt objekt”. Talk at Nationalkomitén for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi annual meeting, Copenhagen, 29 November 1996.
“Scientific biography between hermeneutics of suspicion and hermeneutics of edification”. Talk at Department for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester University, 7 March 1995 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography between hermeneutics of suspicion and hermeneutics of edification”. Talk at Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, 8 March 1995 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography between hermeneutics of suspicion and hermeneutics of edification”. Talk at Department of History, University of Lancaster, 9 March 1995 (manuscript).
“Scientific biography between hermeneutics of suspicion and hermeneutics of edification”. Talk at Department of History of Science, Cambridge University, 10 March 1995 (manuscript).
“Genlyd af romantik: Niels K. Jerne og selektionsteorin for antistofdannelse” [Reverberations of romanticism: Niels K. Jerne and the selection theory of antibody formation]. Talk at Dansk Immunologisk Selskab annual meeting, 6 April 1995 (manuscript).
”Finns det romantiker i den nutida vetenskapen?”. Talk at Idé- och veenskapshistorisk konferens, Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm, 24 April 1995 (manuscript)
“The passions of the scientist: an existential approach to science biography”. Talk at British Society for the History of Science conference ‘Writing Scientific Biographies’, King’s College, London, 3 June 1995 (manuscript).
”A paradox in the history of science: is it possible to write the history of contemporary science?”. Talk at Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Techniek und Medizin, Universität Hamburg, 19 June 1995.
“Conversational and idiotypic networks: the romantic foundations of European immunology in the 1970s”. Paper in session ‘Post-WWII Biomedicine / Post-clonal bodies: Immunology in the 1960s and beyond’, 5th Biennal Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Leuven, Belgium, 21 July 1995 (manuscript).
”Forskarbiografin mellan personlighet och kontext”. Talk at conference ‘Videnskabshistorien mellem tekst og kontekst’ (Nationalkomitén for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi annual meeting), Odense, 9 December 1995 (manuscript).
“Historiographical problems in the history of contemporary science”. Talk at Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 17 January 1994 (manuscript).
No title (“Disciplinhistoria som konferenshistoria”). Talk at Department of History of Technology, Royal College of Technology, Stockholm, 18 January 1994”.
“Konsten att skriva miljö/ekologihistoria: En historiografisk diskussion om unga vetenskaper” [The art of writing environmental history/history of ecology: a historiographical discussion about young sciences]”. Talk at seminar ‘Människan och naturen ur ett idéhistoriskt perspektiv’. Department of History of Ideas, Lund University, 7 March 1994.
“Det biografiska subjektet: social konstruktion eller Martin Bubers Du?”. Talk at symposium ‘Biografiskrivandet: en genre i förvandling’, 18 April 1994 (manuscript).
“The biographical subject in the history of recent science: social construction or existential ‘Du’?”. ‘Talk at Office of History of Science and Technology, UC Berkeley, 25 April 1994 (manuscript).
“En paradox i vetenskapshistorien [A paradox in the history of science]”. Talk at 9:e Nordiska symposiet i idé- och vetenskapshistoria, Stockholm, 18 August 1994 (manuscript).
“Biography in history of science: between hermeneutics of suspicion and hermeneutics of edification”. Paper in session ‘Scientific biography and social history of science: strange bedfellows or significant others’, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 15 October 1994.
”Mellan ’hiin enkelte’ och strukturen: att skriva immunologins nutidshistoria” [Between the individual and the structure: writing the contemporary history of immunology]. Talk at Vetenskapshistoriska dagar, Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm, 28 October 1994 (manuscript).
“Mellan existens och kultur: forskerbiografin som en krumtap i undervisningen i videnskabshistorie” [Between existence and culture: scientific biography as a hub in teaching the history of science]. Talk at conference ‘At undervise i videnskabshistorie’ [Teaching the history of science], Nationalkomitén for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi annual meeting, Roskilde University, 16-17 November 1994 (manuscript).
“Tre recept för en bättre vetenskapsjournalistik”. Talk at conference ‘Vitt fält ger svarta rubriker: Vetenskapsvärlden som 90-talets nyhetsmaskin’, Uppsala, 9 December 1994 (manuscript).
“Existentiell biografi’. Talk at conference ’Existentiella frågor och hälsa’, Forskningsrådsnämnden, Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, 27 January 1993.
“Objectivist, rhetorical and biographial approaches to the environmental problem”. Talk at Forskningsrådsnämden conference ‘The Human Dimension of Environmental Issues’, Gnesta, 27 April 1993 (manuscript).
”The selection theory of antibody formation: which origin story should we write?” Talk at Boston Colloquium on Conceptual Issues in Immunology, 6 May 1993 (manuscript).
“Ett etiskt liv i vetenskapen – är det möjligt?”. Talk at Centrum för forskningsetik, University of Gothenburg, 14 May 1993 (manuscript).
“Biographical experiments: using the contradiction between autobiograhical stories and the archival record as a resource in biographical studies”. Paper in session ‘Biographies, biologists and the history of biology’, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Brandeis University, 18 juli 1993 (manuscript).
“A new method for studying leadership and subdisciplinary structure of scientific disciplines”. Talk at 4th International Conference on Bibliometrics, Informatics and Scientometrics, Berlin, 13 September 1993 (manuscript).
“Hvem deltager i vilken konference? En ny prosopografisk metode for kortlægning af den nutidige videnskabshistorie”. Talk at Nationalkomitén for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi [Danish National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science] annual meeting, Aarhus University, 19 November 1993 (abstract).
“The subjetive origins of the clonal selection theory of antibody formation”. Talk at Program in History of Science, Stanford University, 7 February, 1992 (manuscript).
“The origins of the clonal selection theory of antibody formation”. Talk at Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 25 March, 1992 (manuscript).
“The origins of the clonal selection theory of antibody formation”. Talk at Center for Studies of Women and Gender, Stanford University, 2 April, 1992.
“Science biography versus history of scientific disciplines”. Talk at 8th Course of the International School of Biological Sciences (‘From immunity to cellular and molecular biology: history of immunological thought and of discoveries in immunology’), Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Ischia, 22 June 1992 (manuscript).
“The passions of the scientist: towards an existential approach to science biography”. Talk in session ‘The scientist as subject’, 2nd British-North American History of Science Conference, Toronto, 28 July 1992 (manuscript).
“The passions of the scientist: towards an existential approach to science biography”. Talk in session ‘The biographical turn in science studies’, Joint meeting of Society for Social Studies of Science and European Association for Studies of Science and Technology, Gothenburg, 13 August 1992 (manuscript).
“The invention of the hemolytic plaque assay”. Abstract for session ‘History of immunology’, 8th Internationl Congress of Immunology, Budapest 23-28 August 1992 (manuscript, talk cancelled)
“Kierkegaard in the life sciences: the case of Niels K. Jerne and immunology”. Talk in session ‘Kierkegaard: a European thinker”, conference European Integration and the European Mind, Aalborg University, 24 August 1992 (manuscript).
“Attendance at scientific meetings as an indicator of the structure and dynamics of a life science: the case of post-war immunology”. Presentation at History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 27-30 December 1992.
“Vetenskapliga möten: en försummad aspekt av vetenskapsstudier” [Scientific meetings: a neglected aspect of science studies]. Talk at Center for Science Studies, University of Gothenburg, 16 December 1992.
“Forskarbiografin: en fristad för passionerna i vetenskapen [Scientific biography: a shelter for the passions in science studies]”. Talk at Department of History of Ideas, Umeå University, 17 December 1992 (manuscript).
“Biography or case Study?”, Talk at Department of Informatics, Umeå University, 17 December 1992.
“Immunological meetings 1950-1972: a prosopographical analysis”. Talk in session ‘Postwar immunology’ (manuscript).
“Från söndagsnöje till maktfaktor: om ekologins framväxt i Sverige – en självbiografisk betraktning [From Sunday pastime to power: the rise of ecology in Sweden – an autobiographical account]”. Talk at Faculty of Forestry Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, 14 March 1991 (manuscript)
“A biographical approach to the natural selection theory of antibody formation”. Talk in session ‘Molecular biology and immunology’, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology Summer Meeting, Evanston, Ill., 11 July 1991.
“Realist versus rhetorical approaches to the history of ecology”. Talk in session ‘Ecology in changing environments’, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology Summer Meeting, Evanston, Illinois, 12 July 1991.
“Stämmor som talar och brev som berättar: muntliga och skriftliga källor i vetenskapsbiografin [Voices that speak and letters that tell: oral and written sources in science biography]”. Lecture at Department of History of Ideas and Learning, Lund University, 12 September 1991.
“The relation between biographical and autobiographical narratives”. Talk in session’Hermeneutics of biography’, 10th Conference of the International Human Science Research Association, University of Gothenburg, 19 August 1991 (manuscript).
”Brev som talar och röster som berättar: muntliga och skriftliga källor i vetenskapsbiografin”. Talk at Department of History of Ideas, Lund University, 12 September 1991 (manuscript).
“Existential projects in science: biography and a post-social constructionist approach to the history of science”. Talk in session ‘Methods and resources in history of science’, History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisc., 2 November 1991 (manuscript).
”Kan livet förklara verket? Om biografiska forskningsmodeller i vetenskapshistoria och –teori”. Talk at Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 1 February 1990 (manuscript)
“What is the new environmental history?”. Talk at colloquium ‘The new environmental history’, Department of History, University of Ottawa, 9 March 1990 (manuscript).
“Är miljöproblemen vetenskapligt konstruerade?” [Are the environmental problems scientifically constructed?]”. Talk at Department of Social Science, University of Karlstad, 2 April 1990.
“Writing letters to your friends or telling your story to the tape recorder: on the interaction of written and oral records in biographical identity construction”. Talk at conference ‘The letter genre’, Humanities Research Center, University of Copenhagen, 18 May 1990 (manuscript).
“Instruktion eller selektion: analogin mellan epistemologin och immunsystemet [Instruction or selection: analogies between epistemology and the immune system]”. Talk at seminar on evolutionary epistemology, Department of Communication, Linköping University, 22 May 1990.
“Biography and social studies of science”. Talk at Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 25 October 1990 (manuscript.
“Interaction between science and technology: a biographical approach”. Talk in session ‘Engineering scientists or scientific engineers?’, conference ‘Technological Development and Science in the 19th and 20th Centuries’, University of Technology, Eindhoven, 6 November 1990 (manuscript).
“The natural selection theory: a metaphorical expression of basic life experiences”. Talk at L’Equipe Recherches Epistemologiques et Historiques sur les Sciences Exactes et les Institutions Scientifiques (REHSEIS), CNRS, Paris, 13 November 1990 (manuscript).
“Metodproblem vid användandet av biografiska intervjuer [Methodological problems in using biographical interviews]. Talk at Tema Kommunikation (Tema K), Linköping University, 22 November 1990.
“Hur ska man skriva vetenskapshistoria? Svar till mina 13 kritiker [How to write history of science: reply to my 13 critics]”. Talk at Tema Teknik och social förändring, Linköping University, 22 November 1990 (manuscript).
“Det biografiska samtalet: metodproblem vid användning av biografiska intervjuer”. Talk at Tema Kommunikation, Linköping University, 22 November 1990 (manuscript).
“Et biografisk projekt om immunologen og Nobelpristageren Niels K. Jerne [A biography of Niels K. Jerne]. Talk at Nationalkomitén for Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi [Danish National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science] annual meeting, Forskningscenter Risø, 7 December 1990 (manuscript).
“Datatekniken i medborgarnas tjänst: forskarens perspektiv”. Talk at seminar ‘Förvaltningens datorisering ur ett medborgarperspektiv’, Civildepartementets forskningsdelegation, Såstaholm, 9 February 1989 (manuscript).
“Kan vi lära av historien?” [Can we learn from history?]. Talk at conference Ekologi: vetenskap, ideologi och samhällsutveckling [Ecology: Science, Ideology and Social Development], Department of Ecology, University of Lund, 14 March 1989 (manuscript).
“Autobiography and heterobiography: a comparison of versions of the life course of a Nobel laureate”. Talk at Center for Biographical Research, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 13 September 1989 (manuscript).
“Myten om Homo cogitans: den kropslige refleksivitet og dekonstruktionen af vidensmagten” [The Myth of Homo Cogitans, bodily reflexivity and the deconstruction of knowledge power]. Talk at Department for Informatics and Economy Planning, Copenhagen Business School, 8 November 1989.
“Förhållandet mellan självbiografi och biografi: livsförloppet som vetenskaplig metafor”. Talk at Department of History of Ideas and Learning, University of Uppsala, 2 November 1989.
“Constructivism, the power of intellectuals, and the art of biography”.Talk at Gordon Research Conference in Cybernetics, Oxnard, Ca., 21 January 1988 (manuscript).
”Hur konstruerar man ett livsförlopp? Om en biografi över nobelpristagaren Niels Kaj Jerne”. Talk at
Department of Theory of Science, 8 March 1988.
“Att konstruera ett livsförlopp: biografin och reflexivitetsproblemet”. Talk at Department of history of ideas, Umeå Univertsity, 16 May 1988.
“Kunskap är ett smittsamt virus” [Knowledge is a contagious virus]”. Talk at Forum för tvärvetenskap [Center for Cross Disciplinary Science], Umeå University, 17 May 1988.
“New information technologies and the quest for a new view of the global society”. Talk at symposium ‘Telecommunications in Society”, Swedish Telecom Training Center, Kalmar, 20 June 1988 (manuscript).
“Tanke och känsla i kunskapens samhälle [Thought and emotion in the knowledge society]. Talk at FA-rådet [The Council for Business Organization and Work Life Studies], Stockholm, 14 September 1988 (manuscript).
“Forholdet mellem viden og magt i fremtidens informationssamfund [Relation Between Knowledge and Power in the Information Society]”. Talk at Department of Social Sciences, Aalborg University, 28 September 1988 (manuscript).
“Ekologerna: från fältbiologiska amatörer ytill ekosystemprojekt”. Talk at Department of Ecology, Lund University, 19 January 1987.
“Har vetenskapens historia något att erbjuda forskningsfronten? Eller omvänt?” Talk at Department of Ecology, Lund University, 20 January 1987.
“Bilden av det globala ‘informationssamhället’ [The image of the global ‘information society’]. Talk at Centrum för tvärvetenskapliga studier av människans villkår [Center for Cross Disciplinary Science], University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 23 January 23, 1987.
“Ekologisk forskning: historiska tillbakablickar”. Talk at Department of Zoology, University of Stockholm, 27 January 1987.
“Vetenskapshistoria: nostalgi eller prognosinstrument?”. Talk at Department of Zoology, University of Stockholm, 28 January 1987.
“Kognitivitens gränser” [Limits to cognition]. Talk at Department of Computer and Systems Science, Copenhagen Businiess School, 24 February 1987.
“Possible approaches to the information and knowledge society. Talk at Social Systems Science Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 12 May 1987 (manuscript)
“Constructivism and the problem of knowledge-power”. Talk at Social Systems Science Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 19 May 1987 (manuscript)
“Kunskapssamhället [The knowledge society]. Talk at Research Policy Institute, University of Lund, 1 October 1987.
“Knowledge is power: a critical approach to the information society”. Talk at conference ‘Knowledge and communication in the computer age’, University of Linköping, 3 November 1987 (manuscript).
“”Miljöforskning för sanningens skull eller nyttans skull eller…” . Talk at Forsknings- och utvecklingsavdelingen, Statens Naturvårdsverk [Swedish Board of Nature Conservation Research Department], 4 December 1987.
“Introduction to The Ecologists”. Talk at my own PhD defence, Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 6 June 1986 (manuscript).
“Die schwedische Ökologie im 20. Jahrhundert”. Talk at bilateralen wissenschaftshistorischen Tagung der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR und der königlich-schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Stralsund, 24 September 1986 (manuscript)
”Informationssamhället: några synpunkter på forskningsläge och olösta problem”. Talk at Tema Teknik och social förändring, Linköping University, 25 September 1986 (manuscript).
“Ekologisk forskning: historiska tillbakablickar och forskningsfronten”. Talk at Department of Zoology, Uppsala University, 5 November 1986.
“Vetenskapshistoria: nostalgi eller prognosinstrument?”. Talk at Department of Zoology, Uppsala University, 6 November 1986.
“Informationen, intelligensen och passionerna”. Talk at Sekretariatet för framtidsstudier conference ‘Framtidens samförstånd: den nordiska samhällsmodellen inför 90-talet’, Hässelby slott, 14 November 1986 (manuscript).
“Informationssamfundet som konfliktstruktur”. Talk at workshop ‘Teoretiske og metodologiske synspunkter på studet af informationssamfundet’, Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, 10 January 1985.
“Hvad kan vi lære forskningspolitisk af at studere en videnskabsdisciplins historie?”. Talk at conference ‘Forskningssystem og forskningsudvikling i Danmark’, Sydjysk Universitetscenter, Esbjerg, 30 January 1985 (manuscript).
“Kunskapskonflikter i informationssamhället”. Talk at conference ‘Databaserna: problem eller resurs’. SSI Informationskonferens, Stockholm, 6 February 1985 (manuscript).
“Informationssamhället: några möjliga forskningsriktningar”. Talk at workshop ‘Det elektroniska närsamhället: kommunerna och informationsteknologin’, Forskningsrådsnämnden, Stockholm, 20 May 1985 (manuscript).
“Vänstern i informationssamhälet”. Talk at seminar ‘Vänstern väg – 90-talet’, Kulturdepartementet and Spektra, Gothenburg, 5 October 1985.
“När ekologin kom till Sverige: fältforskare och experimentalister” [When ecology came to Sweden: field researchers and experimentalists]. Talk at Nordiska idé- og vetenskapshistorikermötet [Meeting of Nordic Historians of Ideas and Science], Oslo, 12 October 1985 (manuscript).
“Informationssamfundet”. Talk at Filosofisk Forening, Aarhus University, 1 November 1985.
Den nya klassen: politisk retorik eller vetenskapligt begrepp?”. Talk at conference ‘Vart är Sverige på väg?’ [Where is Sweden heading?], Stiftelsen forum för rättsekonomi, Ekenäs herrgård, 26 May 1984.
“Kunskapssociologiska aspekter på informationssamhället” [Epistemological aspects of the information society]. Paper for conference ‘Kundskab og informationsteknologi’ [Knowledge and information technology], Danish Social Science Research Council, Middelfart, 28 May 1984 (manuscript).
“The microfoundation of the intelligentsia concept”. Paper for conference ‘Intellectuals, universities and the state”, Swedish Board of Universities, Fiskebäckskil, 12 January 1984 (manuscript).
“Kunskapsteoretiska aspekter på informationssamhället”. Svenska samfundet för informationshantering, höstkonferens, 30 October 1984.
“Conflict Structure of the Knowledge- and Information Society”, MS to Sociology of Science Yearbook’s conference The Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Structure”, Darmstadt, Germany, November 22-24, 1984.
“Conflict Structure of the Information Society”, MS to conference Communication Between People in Compute¬rized Society”, Göteborg, Sweden, December 6-7, 1984.
“Den nye klasse: strukturteori og hverdagsforståelse” [The New Class: Structural Theory or Everyday Understanding], MS to conference “Informatik og hverdagsliv” [Information Science and Everyday Life], Danish Social Science Research Council, Hundested, Denmark, February 24-25, 1983.
“Vetenskapsfilosofi eller intellektuella maktstrategier”. Talk at Naturvetenskapliga föreningen, Stockholm, 3 March 1983 (manuscript).
“Teorier om intelligentsiaen”. Department of Sociology, Umeå Universoty, 9 April 1983.
“Maktspråk eller språkmakt” [Power Language or Language Power]. Talk at conference ‘Språket och den nya tekniken’ [Language and the New Technology], Forskningsrådsnämnden [Board of Swedish Research Councils], Stockholm, 1 June 1983 (manuscript).
“Vetenskapsfilosofi eller intellektuella maktstrategier?”. Talk at Naturvetenskapliga föreningen, Stockholm, 3 March 1983.
“Informationssamfundet: en kundskabsteoretisk model [The information society: an epistemological model]. Lecture at Department for Social Economics and Planning, Roskilde University, 20 January 1982.
“Synecology and Macrosociology: Utopias of a Technocratic Elite”. Talk at conference XX, Board of Swedish Research Councils, Sånga-Säby, Sweden, May 24-25, 1982.
“Ekologins uppkomst och institutionalisering i Skandinavien”. Talk at Nordiskt symposium i idé- och vetenskapshistoria, Lund, 20 August 1982 (manuscript).
“Den vetenskapliga makteliten: en chimär?”. Talk at colloquium ‘Högskolan i ett sektoriserat FoU-system’, University of Gothenburg, 14 October 1982.
“Svensk ekologisk forskningspolitik”. Talk at Forskningspolitiska Institutet, Lund University, 26 February 1981.
“De systemekologiska storprojekten”. Talk at Brackvattensekologiska seminariet, Department of Zoology, University of Stockholm, [no date] probably 1981 (manuscript).
“Økologisk samfundsplanlægning: intelligentsiaens klasseideologi”. Talk at seminar ‘Biologiens påvirkning af samfundsudviklingen’, University of Copenhagen, 22 September 1981 (manuscript).
“Teknokratiets produktivkrafter”. Talk at Department of Scial Science and Planning, Roskilde University, 9 December 1980 (manuscript).
“Biologiämnets historia under 1960- och 70-talen”. Talk at teaching conference, Umeå University, 28 February 1979.
“Nogle udviklingstendenser i økologien og samfundet: en teknokratisk økologi? Talk at seminar about history of ecology, University of Copenhagen, 30 November 1979.
“Projektarbete som forskning”. Talk at Teachers College, Örebro 1978 (date?).
“Projektarbete som forskning”. Talk at Det faglige landsudvalg for de naturvidenskabelige uddannelser (FLUNA), Roskilde universitet, 31 May 1978 (manuscript)
“The Natural Science Study Programme at Roskilde University”. Talk at conference Bremen International Seminar on
Project-Orientation in Higher Education, 1976, 25 March 1976.
“Ekosystemekologins historia”, Institutionen för idéhistoria, Umeå University, February 1975 (first page of manuscript)
“Ekosystemteorins historia”. Talk at Department of Zoology, 23 September 1974 (part of manuscript)
“Kinesisk miljövårdspolitik”. Talk at Department of Biology, Umeå University, 20 December 1972.
“Evolutionen av trombin-fibrinogen-reaktionen”. Talk at symposium ‘Från koagulationsanalys till molekylär defekt’, Svenska läkarsällskapet, Stockholm, 6 October 1970 (manuscript)