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Biomedicine in museums

Lennart Nilsson Award for virtual autopsy techniques

By September 25, 2008No Comments

The 10th Lennart Nilsson Award for scientific photography has been given to Anders Persson, Director of the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University in Sweden, for his techniques for capturing 3D images inside the human body. Persson and his colleagues at the CMIV produce the images by combining ultrasound, MRI- and PET-scanning images.

The technique, which is particularly useful for post-mortem imaging, has been featured on CBS’s Crime Scene Investigaton show. Says the award foundation in their press release:

Persson’s imaging methods combine cutting-edge technology with great artistry and educational value. He reveals the hidden mysteries of the body with unique precision, producing images that can be understood and interpreted by the lay public and experts alike.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Lennart Nilsson Award, a photo exhibition will be arranged at Galleri Kontrast in Stockholm, 11 October – 2 November. Further info from Staffan Larsson, Lennart Nilsson Award Foundation,

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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