Last year, Phillip Warnell (who made the pill camera installation which Jan Eric has reported about in an earlier post) went to Moscow to meet Natasha Demkina, one of the most famous contemporary medical clairvoyants and media darlings (aka The Girl with X-ray Eyes).
Now Phillips’ film of her scrutinising his body with her purported extra-ordinary ability will be premiered at Warwick Arts Centre on Thursday at 6pm.
After the film, lit crit theoretician Steven Connor will talk on the popular fantasy of acquiring x-ray vision, followed in turn by a showing of Werner Herzog‘s documentary on mystical and shamanic traditions in Russia, Glocken aus der Tiefe: Glaube und Aberglaube in Russland [Bells from the Deep, 2005]. Plenty of vodka will of course be available during the event.
For another critical report on Demkina’s abilities, see here.