During the last months this blog has experienced quite a lot of smart spam comments which more or less indirectly recommend a variety of oh so healthy acai berry juices. They never advertise openly for the product, the texts are varied and pretty cleverly written, and they almost always relate somehow to the post they comment on. But when you click on the sender’s name you are directed to their product pages, like this one.
Here’s an example — a spam comment for MonaVie juice, a highly contested ‘health’ product:
If I hadn’t read about the lawsuits against MonaVie I would almost feel a kind of sympathy for these guys. They sell a potentially healthy, or at least harmless, product, they probably don’t earn as much profit as weapon dealers, and they go out of their way to try to formulate reasonably intelligent (everything is relative, of course) comments (or maybe they have spam robots that can ‘interpret’ my posts and formulate a seemingly intelligent comment?). In this case, the MonaVie spam comment refers to a colourful post.
And yet, after all their effort to appear serious, I mercilessly delete them. Splat! Like a fly on a window pan.
By the way, this wave of spam began after we had been become part of the Wellsphere community.