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Biomedicine in museums

Blogs for innovative academics

By September 8, 2009No Comments

The Accredited Online Universities website thinks this humble blog is among the “100 best blogs and websites for innovative academics”:

“Consider this your one and only stop for awesome biomedical news. It offers info on upcoming conferences, the role of technology in affecting social change, the importance of organ donors, and more”.

Well, that’s nice to hear!

Btw, the other 99 are:
BlogScholar ; ProTeacher Community ; Students of the World ; Experiential Education Portal ; Education Week ; ; Edutopia ; Science Fair Project Resources ; ProTeacher Directory ; Teacher Leaders Network ; Effective Teaching ; Building Excellence Together ; To Try to Teach to Wonder ; Teach Effectively ; The Education Wonks ; Critical Mass ; Graduate School ; Academic Productivity ; Technology Solutions for Teaching and Research; Techsophist ; Higher Education News from the Collegiate Way ; The Kept-Up Academic Librarian ; American Revolution Blog ; Early Medieval Art ; Art(h)ist’ry ; The View From Kalamazoo ; Confessions of a Young Professor ; Academic Sandbox ; Keywords for American Cultural Studies ; Literature Compass Blog ; New York Philosopher ; Objectivist v. Constructivist v. Theist ; Observations on film art and Film Art ; Quod She ; Varieties of Unreligious Experience ; A. Lincoln Blog ; Blogging the Renaissance ; The Cranky Professor ; English Eclectic ; Medieval Crusades ; World War II History ; The Victorian Peeper ; The Excluded Middle ; Mumblings of a Platonist ; Dial “M” for Musicology ; Musical Perceptions ; Renewable Music ; Smarter Music ; America’s Young Theologian ; Better Bibles Blog ; Just This Side of Heresy ; Slave of the Word ; Theologies ; Thoughts On Antiquity ;  The Becker-Posner Blog ; Biocurious ; Econ Academics Blog ; Bioethics Discussion Blog ; Women’s Bioethics Blog ; Ethical Technology ; Abandoned Footnotes ; Time to Eat the Dogs ; Cognitive Daily ; Advanced Studies ; Not Even Wrong ; Swans On Tea ; Watered Down Physics ; Union Street ; Rethinking Markets ; Uncommon Thought Journal ; Dynamics of Cats ; Bad Astronomy ; Law School Academic Support Blog ; Neuroethics & Law Blog ; Iconoclasm ; Art and Architecture ; “no words no action” ; Learning Architecture ; Don’t Forget Your Shovel ; Iterating Towards Openness ; The Stingy Scholar ; Chasing the Dragon’s Tale ; Procrastination ; iMechanica ;Design Impact ; Ars Mathematica ; Good Math, Bad Math ; Three-Toed Sloth ; Mind Reader’s Dictionary ; Thoughts of a Neo-Academic ; Looking At Nothing ; The Sceptical Chymist ; A Sibilant Intake of Breath ; Broadbanding the Nation ; The Duck of Minerva ; (Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography ; Global Health Ideas ; Doctor of Journalism ; Thinking With My Fingers


Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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