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Biomedicine in museums

European university museum meeting

By February 20, 2009No Comments

Just a reminder about the 10th annual UNIVERSEUM Network meeting in Toulouse, 11-13 June, 2009, which we announced a few months ago. The second call emphasis the following topics of interest:

  • enhancing and promoting knowledge about European university museums, collections and archives
  • preserving and documenting contemporary science and humanities in universities
  • European projects for the study and increased access to university heritage

Proposals of max. 200 words to Catherine Gadon ( 31 March. For further info, see or

A perfect set of topics for us here at Medical Musieon — except for the fact that we have scheduled the opening of our new exhibition, ‘Split & Splice’, for Thursday 11 June. Maybe one or two of us could go to Toulouse on the 12th and 13th?

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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