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Wandering Seminar 2006, organized by the International Max Planck Research Network "History of Scientific Objects"

By December 9, 2005No Comments

Max Planck Research Network on History of Scientific Objects Seminar comes to Copenhagen 9 -11 May, 2006. Here’s the announcement for the whole European tour:

With its Wandering Seminar on Scientific Objects the Max Planck Research Network establishes a new form of international cooperation. The principal aim of this project is to provide junior scholars of the history of science with first hand information about the latest developments in the field of material culture of science. Participants will have the opportunity to visit and work with rare collections Europe-wide. Museums will present themselves as sites for research and working place for historians of science.

“The Seminar curriculum includes discussions with exhibition makers as well as curators on conservation work, exhibition programmes, and questions such as: How to present the work of a historian of science to the general public? How to choose and display objects for narrating the history of science? There will also be more theoretical seminars on the definition of scientific objects or the relation of things, image and text. The participants will be asked to document their trip in a way that enables them to present the results of the Wandering Seminar in a workshop organized by the group itself in 2007. (Possible forms of publication might be articles, reviews of exhibitions, biographies of selected objects etc.).

Participants will be chosen either through nomination by one of the cooperating institutions in the Research Network and/or the Wandering Seminar, or by application for the two postdoctoral fellowships advertised internationally by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. The participants should be supported by a grant of their home institution that covers their basic living expenses during the Wandering Seminar. The Network will cover the additional costs for travel and accommodation within the two months. More information on the travel as well as reading material will be provided by April 2006.

For practical questions please contact the Network Coordinator Hannah Lund (hlund@mpiwgberlin.


Week 1: May 01-May 07 Deutsches Museum, Munich
Week 2: May 08-May 12 Medical Museion, Copenhagen
Week 3: May 16-May 28 University of Cambridge/ Science Museum, London
Week 4: Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
Week 5: May 29-June 03 Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris/ L’institut national de larecherche agronomique/ Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle
Week 6: June 05-June 11 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin/ Humboldt University/ Technical University Berlin
Week 7: June 12-June 17 Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence/ University of Pisa
Week 8 June 18-June 25 ETH Zurich/ University of Basel / Final discussion in Berlin

For more information on the member “stations” please visit their respective homepages:
–Deutsches Museum, Munich
–Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen
–University of Cambridge, Department of History and Philosophy of Science
–Science Museum, London
–Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford
–Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
–Institut für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte, TU Berlin
–Kulturwissenschaftliches Seminar, HU Berlin
–Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, HU Berlin
–Centre Alexandre Koyré – Centre de Recherche en Histoire des Sciences e des Techniques, Paris
–L’institut national de la recherche agronomique, Paris
–Muséum national d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
–University of Pisa
–Institute and Museum of the History of Science. Florence
–Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens, ETH Zurich
–NFS Iconic Criticism, University of Basel

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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