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Biomedicine in museums

The challenge of biotech and biomedicine to theology

By September 14, 2007No Comments

Philosopher Byron Kaldis at the The Hellenic Open University is asking for contributions to a special theme issue on “Religion and Biotechnology: The Challenge” for the journal The European Legacy (the journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas). The issue (planned for vol. 15, 2010)

… will seek to delineate, analyze and discuss the current stage of the relationship between religion and biotechnology and the impact of all sorts of human genetic engineering on traditional theological attitudes to life and the notion of the human person. The special issue is expected to present as many religious positions as possible and be representative in the range of themes and methodological approaches, encompassing discussions in epistemological, ethical, historical or socio-political terms.

To submit an article, contact Byron Kaldis (Associate Professor in Philosophy, School of Humanities, The Hellenic Open University, Greece) at

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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