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Talking (about?) embryos, Cambridge, 5 May 2006

By February 7, 2006No Comments

TALKING EMBRYOS: Interdisciplinary conversations exploring the social roles of the embryo. A one-day conference, 9.30am – 5.30pm, Friday 5th May, 2006, King’s College, Cambridge. Held with support from CRASSH (Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge).

This conference brings together leading academics from a variety of disciplines to discuss contemporary social debates surrounding the human embryo. Our aim is to create new networks, with the hope of sparking productive conversation and collaboration, unconstrained by traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Registration: £15, or £10 concession (includes lunch & refreshments) (Registration form attached). For further details, please visit:



10.00am Conveners’ Welcome

Session 1 Chaired by Prof. Martin Richards
Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge

10.10am Dr. Nick Hopwood – ‘Visualizing development: Anatomies of human embryos’
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge

10.40am Prof. Anne MacLaren – ‘What is an embryo and what is it not?’
Wellcome Principal Research Associate, University of Cambridge

11.10am Prof. Martin Johnson – ‘The problematic embryo’
Professor of Reproductive Sciences, University of Cambridge

11.40am Discussion

12.20pm LUNCH

Session 2 Chaired by Prof. Susan Golombok
Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge

1.20pm Prof. Erica Haimes – ‘Talking embryos: Views from potential donors of embryos for research’
Professor of Sociology, University of Newcastle

1.50pm Prof. Sarah Franklin – ‘Embryonic investments: The politics of reproductive hope’
Professor of Social Studies of Biomedicine, LSE

2.20pm Discussion

2.50pm TEA BREAK

Session 3 Chaired by conference conveners Eric Jensen and Zeynep Gürtin-Broadbent Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge

3.20pm Prof. Jenny Kitzinger – ‘Envisaging the embryo’
Professor of Media and Communication Studies, Cardiff University

3.50pm Tim Radford – ‘Hype, Hope and Hair-raising: How the British press saw it’
Science Editor, The Guardian (Retired 2005)

4.20pm Prof. John Harris – ‘What the embryos would say if anyone bothered to ask them!’
Sir David Alliance Professor of Bioethics, University of Manchester

4.50pm Discussion


6.30pm onwards – Drinks Reception, followed by Conference Dinner
Saltmarsh Rooms, King’s College, Cambridge
Zeynep Gürtin-Broadbent
Centre for Family Research
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Cambridge
Free School Lane
Cambridge CB2 3RQ
Tel: (+44) 07967 308989

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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