Reminder – apologies for cross-posting:
The next event of the Public History seminar series at the Institute of Historical Research in London may be of interest to readers of Mersenne:
‘Negotiating the past: Collaborative practice in cultural heritage research’
Weds 7th November, Athlone Room (102), Senate House, 17:30-19:30
Speaker: Prof. Alison Wylie
Departments of Philosophy and Anthropology, University of Washington Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Durham (Michelmas Term 2012)
Archaeology has seen a major sea change in the last few decades as any number of stakeholders, especially Indigenous, Aboriginal, and First Nations descendant communities, demand accountability to their interests, their conventions of practice and conceptions of cultural heritage. What are the implications of this for archaeological practice? Internal debate in North America has been dominated by anxieties about the costs of response to these demands: the focus is on high profile examples of research opportunities lost and professional autonomy compromised by legal constraints and by intractable conflict. All too often this obscures local initiatives that illustrate what becomes possible when practice is reframed as a form of intellectual and cultural collaboration. In the case of collaborations with Native American communities, the archaeologists involved describe innumerable ways in which their research programs have been enriched, empirically and conceptually. I explore the legacies of community-based collaborative practice in archaeology, focusing on their implications for procedural norms that govern the adjudication of empirical robustness and credibility. I argue that conditions for effective critical engagement must include a requirement to take seriously forms of expertise that lie outside the research community.
Respondent: Dr Laura Peers
Pitt Rivers Museum and School of Anthropology, University of Oxford
The seminar will be followed by a drinks reception.