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Biomedicine in museums

Symposium: "What and Why Medical Doctors Need to Know About Evolution", Copenhagen, 15 December

By December 4, 2006No Comments

Evolutionary theory is one of those conceptual approaches that knocks on the door of recent biomedicine. What role might evolutionary thinking have on future medical practice? To answer this and similar questions we are organizing a symposium on “What and Why Medical Doctors Need to Know About Evolution”, Friday 15 December 9-12.30 at the Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3 (Dam Auditorium).

Evolutionary biology has played only a small role in medical thought in the 20th century. Although basic biological training is a must for medical students, evolutionary thinking has rarely been part of the medical curriculum. The two keynote speakers of this meeting – Professor Randolph Nesse (Psychiatry, University of Michigan) and Professor Stephen C. Stearns (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University) – are among the leading proponents for the need to build new conceptual bridges between evolutionary thinking, medical research and clinical practice. Their talks will be followed by a discussion where the audience can put questions to the speakers and a panel of leading Danish experts.

The symposium is organized by Professor Jacobus J. (Koos) Boomsma, Head of Department of Population Biology and Director of the Centre for Social Evolution at the Institute of Biology (, and Professor Thomas Söderqvist, Director of Medical Museion (, both at the University of Copenhagen.

For program details, see

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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