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Biomedicine in museums

Symposium: "Law and Ethics of the Historical Display of Human Remains", 13-14 april 2005

By February 16, 2005No Comments

Der blir afholdt et symposium om “Law and Ethics of the Historical Display of Human Remains”, onsdag 13. – torsdag 14. april 2005 (Wellcome Trust, London), med bla. undertegnede på programmet torsdag morgen. Hvis nogen har tid og lyst til at læse manuskriptet forinden og komme med synspunkter, så er I meget velkommen — det vil blive lagt ud her på bloggen på et senere tidspunkt. Her følger programmet for symposiet:


Wednesday 13 April

0950 Registration & Refreshments

1020 Welcoming Remarks:

1030 Collecting and Displaying Pathology in Nineteenth-century Britain, Dr. Sam Alberti (University of Manchester)

1115 From Medical Education to Historical Collection: The Evolution of Anatomical Presentation at the Warren Anatomical Museum, Virginia Hunt (Warren Anatomical Museum, Countway Library of Medicine, Boston, Mass)

1200 Lunch

1300 ‘Of what importance do you consider such a collection to the Public?’ Redisplaying the Hunterian Collection , Stella Mason (Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons)

1345 The Display of Human Remains in the Berlin Medical Historical Museum, Professor Dr Thomas Schnalke (Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum, Charité)

1430 Refreshments

1455 Selection and Preservation: Medical Collections in the Context of the Academic Heritage of the Netherlands, Professor Dr Harmen Beukers (University of Leiden/LUMC)

1540 Anatomical Collections in Italy: The Case of Bologna, Professor Raffaella Simili (University of Bologna)

1625 Short break

1640 Dirty Pretty Things: The Case of Contemporary Art, Dr Sara Barnes (Institute for Curatorship and Education, Edinburgh College of Art)

1725 Formal part of the day ends

1745 Reception at 210 Euston Road

Thursday 14 April

0915 Registration and Refreshments

0945 The Virtue of Remembering vs the Virtue of Forgetting, Professor Thomas Söderqvist (Director, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen)

1030 Looking at the Dead, Looking at Ourselves, Dr Ruth Richardson (London)

1115 Refreshments

1145 From Dead Embryos to Icons of Life, Professor Lynn M Morgan (Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA)

1230 How to Handle a Murderer´s Head: Ethical Thoughts in the Federal Museum of Pathology in the Fool´s Tower, Dr Beatrix Patzak (Pathologisch-anatomisches Bundesmuseum, Wien)

1315 Lunch

1415 The Study of the Human Body in Thailand: The High Status of Cadavers as Teachers in Buddhist Society, Professor Sanjai Sangvichien (Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok)

1500 Legal and Ethical Aspects Concerning the Display of Human Remains in Anatomical Museums, Professor Dr Brigitte Tag (Universität Zurich, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät)

1545 Short break

1600 General Discussion (to c 1645)

1700 Drinks for speakers only at 210 Euston Road (followed by dinner)

Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 April 2005
Venue: Directory of Social Change, 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP

Organisers: Professor Robert Jütte (Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart) and Professor Christopher Lawrence (Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, UCL). Supported by The Wellcome Trust, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL and Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart.

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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