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Biomedicine in museums

Seminarprogram, Medicinsk Museion, efteråret 2005

By November 4, 2005No Comments

Opdateret 8. november 2005:
+ Her er programmet for det hhv. interne og eksterne Museion-seminar i efteråret 2005. Nogle dage står tomme, men der kan komme efternølere.
+ Hvis ikke andet angives, er seminartidspunktet kl. 14-16.
+ De eksterne seminarer er åbne for alle interesserede. De interne er kun for husets egne medarbejdere.
+ Programmet opdateres løbende on-line med abstracts mm.

Ti 16. aug (intern): Artikelseminar: diskussion om ‘biomedicin’- begrebet (indledning: Thomas Söderqvist)
Peter Keating og Alberto Cambrosio, Biomedical Platforms, MIT Press, 2003 (kap 3); Vivian Quirke, ‘Essay review: French biomedicine in the mirror of America’, SHPBBS, vol. 35, 765-76 (2004); og Vivian Quirke, ‘Lecture report’ (2005). For tidligere indlæg om sagen, se her

Ti 23. aug (intern): Artikelseminar: diskussion om ‘platform’-begrebet (indledning: Søren Bak-Jensen)
Peter Keating og Alberto Cambrosio, Biomedical Platforms, MIT Press, 2003 (kap 1 og kap 10)

Ti 30. aug — (udgår pga. heldagsseminar Fre den 2. sept)

Fr 2. sept, kl. 9-16 (OBS dagen) (intern): Medical Museion’s new recent-biomedicine research projects for details, click here.

Ti 6. sept — (udgår pga. heldagsseminar Fre den 2. sept)

Ti 13. sept (intern): forts. på diskussion om ‘platform’-begrebet som heuristiskt hjælpemiddel ved indsamling (indledning: Sven Erik Hansen)

Ti 20. sept (intern): Resultatet af den samlede revision af Medicinsk Museions samlinger, del I (eks. på samlingsprotokoller) (oplæg: Frank Allan Rasmussen)

Ti 27. sept (ekstern): Minisymposium: Can today’s exhibitions learn from early-modern curiosity cabinets?

Ken Arnold, Wellcome Trust, “Cabinets for the curios: making, keeping and sharing knowledge in museums”

I’d talk a bit about my research into the history of early English museums and the implications of those findings for today’s museology (the subject of my book, which is finally coming out through Ashgate in November), and then end with a few thoughts about what we are planning gallery-wise at the Wellcome Trust.

Camilla Mordhorst, Medicinsk Museion: “The exhibition as a laboratory”

For more than 200 years museum exhibitions have been in the service of Grand Narratives. But as the progress of Science and the Nation is dissolving into a multitude of voices, and knowledge turns into the ability to think anew rather than reproduce, it is perhaps timely to rethink the purpose of exhibitions. I believe that we can be inspired by the early curiosity cabinets, where exhibition and collection were seamlessly united. Objects were not selected to represent a grand narrative, but were displayed for shared inquiry and discussion. Is it possible to give this kind of displays a new renaissance? Turning medical (history) exhibitions into laboratories of the present?

Ti 4. okt (ekstern): Minisymposium: Carnevalesque medicine: Representing and displaying curious, anecdotal, unique, peculiar and monstrous biomedical objects

Adam Bencard, “Cryptic particularities – possible uses of objects and anecdotes in the study of science and technology”.

Camilla Mordhorst, “Revisiting curiosity – utilizing weird and singular objects in exhibitions of recent biomedical science and technology”.

Thomas Söderqvist, “Refusing categorisation and contextualisation – biomedical researchers as singularities”.

Abstracts: se her

Ti 11. okt (ekstern): Martha Fleming (Fellow of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, UK): “Looking Back Towards the Light: Phenomenopthalmology”

Part personal trajectory, part history lesson, part philosophical investigation, this illustrated lecture proposes ways of thinking about physiology, museology and consciousness that might go beyond the usual short circuits. Martha Fleming will speak about the evolution of her approach to light, the key medium she has in common with astronomers. From chiaroscuro to photon-collecting, from Ramon y Cajal to Minkowski, light is a physical phenomenon with a long history, both in human culture and in medical and scientific research.

Læs mer om Martha Fleming her.
Læs mer om Martha Flemings synspunkter her.

(Ti 18. okt — efterårsferie, inget seminar)

Ti 25. okt (intern) — vakant

Ti 1. nov (intern) — vakant

Fr 4. nov (obs dagen! (intern): Resultatet af den samlede revision af Medicinsk Museions samlinger, del II (‘den grønne’) (oplæg: Frank Allan Rasmussen)

Ti 8. nov (ekstern): Sven Erik Hansen: “Elektroterapiens blomstring og fald inden for den fysiurgiske behandling”
Abstract: se her

Ti 15. nov: (intern): Konkretisering af resultatet af samlingsrevisionen: rundvisning i magasinerne

Ti 22. nov (ekstern): Søren Bak-Jensen (Medicinsk Museion): “Introduktionen af nyretransplantationer på Rigshospitalet”
Abstract: se her

Ti 29. nov (intern): Diskussion om prioritering af arbejdet med samlingerne med udgangspunkt i bevaringsproblemerne (oplæg: Ion Meyer. Abstract: se her.

Fr-Lø 2.-3. dec: Helse- og medicinhistorisk årsmøde: ‘Medicinens nutidshistorie’
Se program her

Ti 6. dec —

Ti 13. dec (intern): Adam Bencard (Medicinsk Museoin): ‘Kroppen, historien og biomedicinen’ (afhandlingskapitel)
Abstract kommer

Ti 20. dec: —

Ti 3. jan —

Ti 10. jan (intern): Morten Skydsgaard (Stenoinstituttet): “Medicinhistorien i det ny Steno Museum anno 2008”

Ti 17. jan (ekstern): Jan Eric Olsén (Medicinsk Museion): “Virtuell kirurgi”

Ti 24. jan: TBA

Ti 31. jan (ekstern): Peter Morris og Louise Thorn (Science Museum, London): “Combining historiography and museology” (tentative title).

Ti 7. febr (ekstern): Jens Lohfert Jørgensen (Institut for Æstetiske Fag, Århus Universitet): “Litteratur og medicin” (abstract kommer senere)

Ti 14. febr: TBA

Ti 21. febr: TBA

Ti 28. febr: TBA

Ti 7. mars (ekstern): Jenny Sundén, Forskargruppen för mediateknik och grafisk produktion, Kgl. Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm: TBA

Ti 14. mars: TBA

Ti 21. mars: TBA

Ti 28. mars: TBA

Ti 4. april: TBA

Ti 11. april: —

Ti 18. april: TBA

Ti 25. april: TBA

Ti 2. maj: TBA

Ti 9. – To 11. maj (intern): Workshop: Max Planck Gesellschaft Research Network “History of Scientific Objects”

Ti 16. maj: TBA

Ti 23. maj: TBA

Ti 30. maj: TBA

Ti 6. juni: TBA

Ti 13. juni: TBA

For spørgsmål til seminarieprogrammet: Thomas Söderqvist,

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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