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Biomedicine in museums

Round-table discussion of art-science-tech relations (and launching Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond)

If you happen to be in Paris on Thursday 26 June you might consider attending a roundtable discussion at the Ensba-Paris Art School in 14 rue Bonaparte on the theme “The art-science-technology relations as seen through the Leonardo Book Series at MIT Press”, occasioned by the launch of a new book, Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond, edited by Eduardo Kac:


Discussants are Roger Malina, President of the Leonardo series, Eduardo Kac, and Frank Popper (author of From Technological to Virtual Art).

When new artforms emerge, what role do artists play with their theoretical books in creating a public space for discussion? What are the connections between artworks and books in the body of work of an artist? What discourses and approaches on technoscientific art are emerging from the Leonardo Book Series? What are the aesthetical, theoretical and historical issues within this collection and more specifically within the two books that will be presented and discussed?

(thanks to Ingeborg for spreading the word)

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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