Hej alle — Sniff og jeg snakkede idag om at det ville være godt med en liste over potentielle ‘publication outlets’ for vores projekt — nedenstående er mit eget første bud (beskrivelserne er taget fra tidsskrifternes hjemmesider). Fyld gerne på listen med dine egne gode forslag!!
Bulletin of Science and Tehnology Studies
The goal of the Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society is to provide a means of communication within as wide of a spectrum of the STS community as possible. This includes faculty and students from sciences, engineering, the humanities, and social science in the newly emerging groups on university and college campuses, and in the high school systems, all of which teach integrative STS subject matters. It also includes professionals in government, industry and universities, ranging from philosophers and historians of science to social scientists concerned with the effects of science and technology, scientists and engineers involved with the study and policy-making of their own craft, and the concerned general leader. A third category of readers represents “society”: all journalists dealing with the impacts of science and technology in their respected fields, the public interest groups and the attentive public.
The scope of the Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society is that which is of value in STS pedagogy at either the university or K-12 level. Such material can include original articles describing research or reflection on STS topics. The journal emphasizes articles of general interest in the STS field, which can be used in teaching undergraduate or K-12 students. Educational modules are suitable for instruction in STS courses at the college or K-12 level.
The official publication of the Society for Literature and Science, Configurations is the only journal devoted to the study of the discourse pertaining to the theories and practices of science, technology, and medicine. Founded in 1993, the journal explores the relations of literature and the arts to the sciences and technology.
Museum & Society
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (KB – elektronisk)
Founded in 1957, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine presents articles of current interest in medicine and biology in a context with humanistic, social, and scientific concerns. Perspectives covers a wide range of biomedical topics such as neurobiology, biomedical ethics and history, genetics and evolution, and ecology.
Perspectives on Science (KB – elektronisk)
Perspectives on Science publishes science studies that integrate historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. Its interdisciplinary approach is intended to foster a more comprehensive understanding of the sciences and the contexts in which they develop. Perspectives on Science consists of theoretical essays, case studies, and review essays.
Public Understanding of Science (DNLB – eletronisk)
Public Understanding of Science is the only journal to cover all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public. Topics covered include…
surveys of public understanding and attitudes towards science and technology
perceptions of science
popular representations of science
scientific and para-scientific belief systems
science in schools
history of science education and of popular science
science and the media
science fiction
scientific lobbying
evaluative studies of science exhibitions and interactive science centres
scientific information services for the public
popular protest against science (‘anti-science’)
science in developing countries and appropriate technology
Science, Technology and Human Values (DNLB – elektronisk)
For more than thirty years Science, Technology, & Human Values has provided the forum for cutting-edge research and debate in this dynamic and important field. As scientific advances improve our lives, they also complicate how we live and react to the new technologies. More and more, human values come into conflict with scientific advancement as we deal with important issues such as nuclear power, environmental degradation and information technology.Science, Technology, & Human Values is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal containing research, analyses and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, including their relationship to politics, society and culture. The journal provides you with work from scholars in a diverse range of disciplines across the social sciences.
Science in Context
Science in Context is an international journal edited at The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University. It is devoted to the study of the sciences from the points of view of comparative epistemology and historical sociology of scientific knowledge. The journal is committed to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of science and its cultural development – it does not segregate considerations drawn from history, philosophy and sociology. Controversies within scientific knowledge and debates about methodology are presented in their contexts.
Science as Culture
Science Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Science and Technology Studies
Science Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing articles on the study of science and technology studies. Published since 1988, Science Studies is read in over 30 countries around the world and is also available electronically through EBSCOhost services in over 80 countries. Science Studies is designed as an open forum for all perceptive contributions to the study of science and technology, whether philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological,educational or politico-economic. It stands for no doctrine or formal discipline, except for theoretical analysis as a guide to better practice, and empirical observation as a stimulus to conceptual insight. Young researchers especially are encouraged to submit papers based on their ongoing work.
Social Studies of Science (KB – elektronisk)
Social Studies of Science is devoted mainly to the results of original research, whether empirical or theoretical, which bring fresh light to bear on the concepts, processes, development, mediations and consequences of modern science and technology, and on the analysis of their social nature.
Social Studies of Science covers a diverse range of topics, publishing important papers on new concepts, new methods and new research results. The journal is a vital, responsive and continuing resource for all academics in the field, and for a wide range of readers interested in the analysis of modern society.
The journal is multidisciplinary, publishing work from a range of fields including:
political science, sociology, economics
history, philosophy, psychology
social anthropology, legal and educational disciplines
Studies in history and philosophy of science. Part : Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences is devoted to historical, sociological, philosophical and ethical aspects of the life and environmental sciences, of the sciences of mind and behaviour, and of the medical and biomedical sciences and technologies. The period covered is from the middle of the nineteenth century (the time of the so-called “laboratory revolution” in medicine and the life sciences) to the present. Contributions are from a wide range of countries and cultural traditions; we encourage both specialist articles, and articles combining historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches; and we favour works of interest to scientists and medics as well as to specialists in the history, philosophy and sociology of the sciences.
VEST: Journal for Science and Technology Studies
VEST publishes theoretical and empirical studies of science and technology and aims to be a forum for researchers and practitioners alike. The journal welcomes scientific articles as well as shorter pieces on current science policy issues and news notices. VEST has four issues each year in English (sometimes one double issue and two single ones or even two double issues.