The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science announces two postdoctoral fellowships in conjunction with the Research Network „History of Scientific Objects“. (see also former post of 9 December)
(For a research outline please visit: The fellowship will be granted for two-year period, beginning March 2006. The project includes scholars of the humanities and natural sciences. Fellows will participate in the Wandering Seminar of the Network, which will work at different member stations in Europe in May and June 2006. Fellows will also be involved, with other participants of the Seminar, in the planning for a workshop on the results of the Seminar to be held in summer 2007. The working language of the Network is English.
For further information about the Institute, please visit our homepage For information on the Wandering Seminar please visit or contact the Network Coordinator Hannah Lund (
Fellowships are awarded to outstanding young scholars of all nationalities who have received their PhD in the History of Science or related field after 31 December 2003. Women are especially encouraged to apply. The Max-Planck-Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. Applicants are invited to submit a curriculum vitae, a brief research statement describing their project and interest in the network (max. 1.000 words ), a sample text (dissertation chapter or article) and two letters of reference by February 1, 2006, to:
Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science
Administration/ Research Network
Wilhelmstr. 44
D- 10117 Berlin