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Biomedicine in museums

Om representationer af døden …

By January 19, 2005No Comments

I forbindelse med Science Museum’s udstilling “Future Faces” holdes følgende symposium den 27.-28. januar på National Portrait Gallery, London

The fashion for portraying the recently deceased has constantly shifted between the private and public, and across different epochs and different cultures.

An audience with Gary Schneider Thursday 19.00 – 20.00.

To premiere the ‘Facing Death’ Symposium, South African-born portrait photographer Gary Schneider explores the relationship between science and art, medical and memorial photography through strikingly beautiful images of blood, DNA and strands of hair.

Facing Death Symposium Friday 10.00 – 16.45.

This multidisciplinary symposium will bring together some of the most dynamic voices from the worlds of art history, media, medicine and science to discuss the past, present and future of the facial representations of

Speakers include: Guy Brown (molecular biologist), Eleanor Crook (wax sculptor), Sandra Kemp (curator of Future Face exhibition), Ruth Richardson (author of Death, Dissection and the Destitute), John Stezaker (artist), and Tony Walter (sociologist).

For a full programme visit:

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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