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Biomedicine in museums

Meeting on 'natural museology', Manchester Museum, 6-8 September

You still have another two weeks left to register for what seems to become a very exciting conference on museological issues at the Manchester Museum, viz., “Nature behind glass: historical and theoretical perspectives on natural science collections”, Thursday 6th – Saturday 8th September 2007.

This international symposium aims to promote and communicate inter-disciplinary research on historical, theoretical and museological aspects of natural history museums. Bringing together a critical mass of scholarship engaged in research in this area, the conference will develop a theoretical community concerned with ‘natural museology’. Papers provide innovative methodological or reflexive insights and are based on original research.

For full programme details and booking form, see is invited by 30 June 2007. Full rate: £25 per day. You can also contact Sam Alberti at

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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