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Biomedicine in museums

Medical Museion on Swedish TV

By February 19, 2008No Comments

A crew from Swedish Television (SVT) has just been visiting Medical Museion. They spent a full 10 hour day walking around the whole museum, from the golden lion on the ground floor to the syphilitic skulls on the third. Here they are focusing on one of Niels Finsen’s (Nobel Prize 1903) original lenses for light therapy of skin tuberculosis:






Bente kept track of everything


and I had to take the role of interviewee (because I speak Swedish 🙂

They will send 4-5 episodes in the weekly ‘Fråga doktorn’ [Ask the doctor] show in late March and April. Watch it on Mondays at 66.15pm — or see the show on-line here afterwards.

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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