Den her konference (“Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease”, Oxford, 4. – 7. juli 2005) ser umiddelbart interessant ud, fordi den har særlig fokus på “making sense of”-problemet, dvs. hvordan man “repræsenterer” medicinen. Men når man (advaret af Hannes intuition) kikker nærmere på den kan man se, at den sponsres af noget der kaldes Learning Solutions (whatever that is?) og at der ikke er en eneste deltager der er kendt inden for den medicinhistoriske eller “anthropology of medicine”-verden.
4th Global Conference: Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease
Monday 4th July – Thursday 7th July 2005, Mansfield College, Oxford
Call for papers deadline: 2005-03-11
This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary project aims to explore the processes by which we attempt to create meaning in health, illness and disease. The project will examine the models and metaphors we use to understand our experiences of health and illness (looking particularly at perceptions of the body), and to evaluate the diversity of ways in which we creatively struggle to make sense of such experiences and express ourselves across a range of media. Se endvidere