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Biomedicine in museums

Lecture: "Microarray Technology and Regimes of Biopower: a Problem for Museology", 25 May

If you are in London on Thursday 25 May, you’re invited to attend my talk at the South Kensington Institute for the history of Technology (which is a collaborative enterprise of the Science Museum and the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College), titled “Microarray Technology and Regimes of Biopower: a Problem for Museology”.

The seminar begins at 16.30 (coffee, tea and biscuits is at 16.15). Location: Seminar and Learning Centre (SALC) on Level 5, Sherfield Building at Imperial College (the precise location will be circulated with details of the seminar a few days prior to the event). Further details: Dr Peter Morris, The Science Museum, See also here

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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