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Biomedicine in museums

Learning from Leeds how to use university museums

Sometimes one learns too late about what one’s peers are doing. Today is actually the last day to register for the workshop ‘Developing the University of Leeds Science Collections’ which takes place next Monday 25 June 2007 between 4 and 7 PM. The aims of the workshop are: to illustrate HPS staff & students’ work on Leeds’ science museum collections; to share campus science and medicine curators’ perspectives on their collections; and to consider the prospects for a future history of science museums.

If you want to participate (or ask how things went), send a mail to, and for enquiries about the workshop, write to Graeme Gooday at Btw, the meeting is organised by University of Leeds’s Centre for Heritage Research in collaboration with the university’s Division of History & Philosophy of Science (HPS).


Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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