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Biomedicine in museums

Konference "Practices and Representations of Health: Historical Perspectives" (abstract dead-line 1. maj)

By February 14, 2005No Comments

The Society for the Social History of Medicine invites submissions for its 2006 Annual Conference, “Practices and Representations of Health: Historical Perspectives”, to be held at the University of Warwick on 28-30 June 2006, organised jointly by the Centres for the History of Medicine at the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick. Keynote speakers include: Susan E. Lederer (Yale University), Geoffrey Lloyd (Cambridge), Charles E. Rosenberg (Harvard University).

The Programme Committee welcome offers of papers on a wide range of topics that link to the theme of the conference, but particularly encourage papers on the following themes: alternative and complementary health movements; airs, waters and places; medicine and emotions; theatre, music and medicine; child health; old age and death; body shape and image; disability; race, post-colonialism and health; health and the workplace; the historiography of the history of medicine. In addition to single-paper proposals, the Programme Committee seeks proposals for panel sessions. All papers should ideally present original work not yet published or in press. We invite you to submit an abstract by email by 1 May 2005, to Molly Rogers ( If you are unable to submit electronically, please send eight copies of your abstract to Molly Rogers, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom. Abstracts should be limited to one page and must include your mailing and email addresses, telephone number, and affiliation.

Programme Committee: Robert Arnott (University of Birmingham), Sarah Hodges (University of Warwick), Colin Jones (University of Warwick), Hilary Marland (University of Warwick), Jonathan Reinarz (University of Birmingham).

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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