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Biomedicine in museums

Human remains, cont.

By December 17, 2005No Comments

Re. earlier posts on this blog about human remains, I just found out that has a policy about handling human remains:

Humans, the human body, or any human body parts are not permitted on eBay. Items that contain human hair (such as lockets) as well as skulls and skeletons that are used for medical purposes may be listed on eBay. eBay does not permit the sale of Native American skulls, bones or other Native American grave-related items, as the sale of such items may violate federal law.

Examples of such prohibited items include:

organs, bone, blood, waste, sperm, eggs

Furthermore: “Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including”:

Listing cancellation, limits on account privileges, account suspension, forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings, loss of PowerSeller status

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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