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Biomedicine in museums

How do (medical) museums work with their historical identity?

The Museums and Galleries History Group is organising a meeting, “Past and present: negotiating museum and gallery history” at Newcastle University at 7-8 September. The organisers tell us that:

This is a chance to review the nature and roles of museum and gallery history, looking at: trends in and uses of museum and gallery historiography and attempts to link contemporary museological concerns (such as access, inclusion, diversity, restitution etc.) to historical precedents. The proceedings will also focus on the ways in which museums and galleries today work with (or against) their historic identities, buildings, collections, displays and the historical paradigms of knowledge, culture and society inherent within them.

Speakers include Sam Alberti, Chris Whitehead, Catherine Lewis, Liz Hyde, Lindy Gilliland and others. There will be papers on an array of topics, ranging from the significance of architectural adaptation in historic museums and galleries to the problems of producing contemporary displays in historic settings and aspects of the history of museum education. The registration fee is £30 for MGHG members and £40 for non-members. You can download programme and booking form at the MGHG’s website,

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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