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Biomedicine in museums

Historical and social science perspectives on genomics — video talks

A series of lectures on historical and social science perspectives on genomics (“Genomics in Perspective”) were held at the NIH in May and June (lecture website here). For full videos, look here. For short abstracts to browse before watching, look here.

The lectures available online are:

DANIEL KEVLES, Yale University: “Genes, Railroads and Regulation: Intellectual Property and the Public Interest”

DOROTHY PORTER, University of California, San Francisco: “Transdisciplinarity in SPORE Funded Brain Tumor Research at the University of California San Francisco”

RAYNA RAPP, New York University: “Standing on the Biological Horizon”

SUSAN LINDEE, University of Pennsylvania: “Genes and Disease: The Rise of Genomic Medicine in the United States”

STEPHEN HILGARTNER, Cornell University: “Depicting Pasts, Projecting Futures: Making Histories of the New Biology”

TROY DUSTER, New York University: “The Molecular Reinscription of Race: New Technologies Re-Generating a Dead-End Debate”

(from David Cantor, National Library of Medicine)

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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