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Guinea pig badges are selling Jim Endersby's new book on the history of 19C-20C biology through the lens of its experimental organisms

By November 3, 2007No Comments

British historian of science Jim Endersby’s learned and charming A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology (a sort of history of biology through the lens of its experimental organisms, i.e., fruit flies, zebra físhes, bacteriophages, cress plants, etc.) is the first history of science book I’ve seen that is being marketed by means of specially designed badges and posters.

Here are the badges placed on copies of the book on the University of Harvard Press book table at the History of Science Society meeting in Arlington, Va. and the matching poster:









(it’s the humble author of this blog post to the left browsing the book). Together with the website the badges will probably contribute to this becoming a bestseller. I’ve only read half of it so far, and it’s really good — and charming!

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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