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EASST biannual conference: "Reviewing humanness: bodies, technologies and spaces", 23-26 August 2006

By December 7, 2005No Comments

EASST Conference “Reviewing humanness: bodies, technologies and spaces”, 23-26 August, 2006, University of Lausanne. Paper and session proposals will now be accepted up to the new deadline of January 16th, 2006 Session proposals are provisionally published on the conference website ( see “what’s new”). Send your session proposal as soon as possible to

“Reviewing Humanness” forms the theme for biennial conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland from 23rd to 26th August 2006. Paper and
session proposals addressing any aspect of the theme are welcomed. All members of the science, technology and innovation studies community are invited to attend and there will be open paper sessions for topics
outside of the theme. See the full Call for Papers and all information on the conference web site

What is it to be human today? How are developments in science and technology affecting the human experience? Developments in the life sciences offer new ways of understanding and intervening in bodily processes. Human influence is distributed through socio-technical networks and artifacts. Transnational connections and imaginings extend our conception of humanness. What concepts do we need to understand these processes and to address their practical and political consequences?

Marc Audetat
Institut d’études politiques et internationales (IEPI)
Université de Lausanne, BFSH 2
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
tel. +41 21 / 692 31 75

Cynthia Kraus
Université de Lausanne
Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (SSP)
Institut de sociologie des communications de masse (ISCM)
Bâtimnent Humense
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tél.: ++41-21-692.3223
Fax: ++41-21-692.3215 (préciser destinataire)
Bureau: 276.8 – Internef
Tél. Secrétariat ISCM : ++-41-21-692.3210

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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