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Biomedicine in museums

Contemporary history of poultry food poisoning

By January 30, 2007No Comments

David Smith and Norval Strachan at the University of Aberdeen are currently preparing a grant application for a three-year project on historical trends in poultry-related Salmonella and Campylobacter food poisoning 1980–2005. If the grant application is successful the project will begin in September 2007. The project would involve oral history interviewing, archival research, collecting and analyzing numerical data, writing papers and monograph on the subject. The two grant application submitters are interested in candidates holding a relevant PhD. The deadline for submission of the application is 1 March 2007 and interested persons should therefore respond as soon as possible to David Smith, Senior Lecturer in the History of Medicine, King’s College, University of Aberdeen,

Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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