Inaugural Science Communication Postgraduate Conference
Science and the Public: interdisciplinary approaches
Saturday, May 20th 2006, Imperial College, London
This day-long postgraduate conference has been organised by Imperial College and the London PUS Seminar Group to help bring together researchers from the disparate strands of academia that consider science as it exists and influences public life.
We hope to attract delegates from a wide variety of disciplines; bringing together researchers from science and technology studies, science communication, history, cultural studies, psychology, anthropology, literary criticism, education, museum studies, sociology, media studies, policy studies, geography and others.
Abstracts for submission of a 20-minute paper around the topic of science and the public are welcomed from research postgraduate students in any field. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and emailed to by 1st March 2006. Enquires to or
The conference fee is £10 and there may be travel grants available to those giving papers (details will follow).