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Bak-Jensen, Søren. “Nyretransplantationer i Danmark – mellem vævstypeforlig og immunsuppression”, Ugeskrift for Læger, 167: 4744-4745 (2005).
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Bauer, Susanne and Olsén, Jan Eric, “Observing the others, watching over oneself: themes of medical surveillance in post-panoptic society“, Surveillance & Society, 6: 116-127 (2009).
Bauer, Susanne, “Curating and dis/playing the biopolitics of prevention. A risk assessment software as a museum object”, Nord Nytt: Nordisk tidskrift for etnologi och folkloristik, 105: 71-85 (2009).
Bauer, Susanne and Wahlberg, Ayo (eds.), Contested Categories. Life Sciences in Society. Aldershot: Ashgate 2009.
Bauer, Susanne, “From society to molecule and back: the contested scale of public health science”, in: Bauer, S. and Wahlberg, A (eds.), Contested Categories. Life Sciences in Society. Aldershot: Ashgate 2009: 113-34 (in press).
Bencard, Adam, “Life beyond information: contesting life and the body in history and molecular biology”, in: Bauer, S. and Wahlberg, A. (eds.), Contested Categories. Life Sciences in Society. Aldershot: Ashgate 2009: 135-54.
Doel, Ron and Söderqvist, Thomas (eds.) The Historiography of Contemporary Science, Technology and Medicine. London: Routledge 2006.
Doel, Ron and Söderqvist, Thomas, “Introduction: what we know, what we do not, and why it matters”, in: Doel, R. and Söderqvist, T. (eds.) The Historiography of Contemporary Science, Technology and Medicine. London: Routledge 2006: 1-12.
Donald, Diana and Olsén, Jan Eric, “Art and the ‘Entangled Bank’: Colour and Beauty out of the ‘War of Nature’”, in Donald, D. (ed.), Charles Darwin, Natural Science and the Visual Arts, Yale University Press, 2009: 101-117.
Dunér, David and Olsén, Jan Eric: ”Ögonbilder”, Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapets årsskrift, 2008: 9-42
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Mordhorst, Camilla, “Kuriositeternes storhed, fald og mulige genkomst”, Tidskrift for Kulturforskning, 5: 7-24 (2006).
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Olsén, Jan Eric, “Inside out: transformations of endoscopic vision”, Journal of Visual Culture (submitted).
Olsén, Jan Eric, “The portable clinic: keeping track of the healthy body”, Performance Research 14 (4), special issue: ‘Transplantations”, eds. R. Allsopp and P. Warnell, P. (submitted).
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Söderqvist, Thomas, “Who’s afraid of the recent biomedical heritage?”, Opuscula Musealia, 15 (2006), pp. 99-105.
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Söderqvist, Thomas and Bencard, Adam. “Making sense or sensing the made? Research into presence-production in museums of science, technology and medicine”, in Cavalli-Björkman. G and Lindqvist, S. (eds.), Research and Museums. Stockholm: Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, 2008: 161-173.
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Söderqvist, Thomas; Bencard, Adam and Mordhorst, Camilla, “Between meaning culture and presence effects: contemporary biomedical objects as challenge to museums”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (in press, 2009).
Söderqvist, Thomas and Bencard, Adam, “Do things talk?”, in Trischler, H; Sichau, C and Pickert, S. (eds), The Exhibition as a Product and Generator of Knowledge, Berlin: Max Planck Institute for History of Science, 2010 (in press).
Söderqvist, Thomas, “The participatory museum and distributed curatorial expertise”, NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, nr 1/2010 (in press)
Wahlberg, Ayo and Bauer, Susanne, “Introduction: categories of life, in Bauer, S. and Wahlberg, A. (eds.), Contested Categories. Life Sciences in Society. Aldershot: Ashgate 2009: 1-14.
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Olsén, J-E 2010, ‘ Kroppen som blev kvar: Medicinsk visualisering hos Joan Didion, Anders Paulrud och William Kentridge ‘. T Gustafsson Chorell & M Bondestam (red), i: In på bara huden: Medicinhistoriska studier tillägnade Karin Johannisson. Bokförlaget Nya Doxa, Nora, s. 229-242.
Bauer, S & Olsén, J-E 2009, ‘ Observing the others, watching over oneself: themes of medical surveillance in post-panoptic society ‘ Surveillance and Society , vol 6, nr. 2, s. 116-127.
Olsén, J-E 2011, ‘ The body voyage as visual representation and art performance ‘ Nuncius , vol 26, nr. 1, s. 222-241.
Olsén, J-E 2010, ‘ Meet your inside: endoscopic visualizations in contemporary culture ‘ Academic Quarter , vol 1, s. 22-31.
Söderqvist, T 2011, ‘ The Seven Sisters: Subgenres of Bioi of Contemporary Life Scientists ‘ Journal of the History of Biology , vol 44, nr. 4, s. 633-650.
Söderqvist, T & Arnold, K 2011, ‘ Medical instruments in museums: Immediate impressions and historical meanings ‘ Isis , vol 102, nr. 4, s. 718-729.
Söderqvist, T 2010, ‘ The participatory museum and distributed curatorial expertise ‘ NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin , vol 18, nr. 1, s. 69-78.
Kragh, JV 2011, ‘ Narkomaniens glemte fortid: historien om stofmisbrug i Danmark 1870-1955 ‘ STOF – Tidsskrift for Stofmisbrugsområdet , nr. 17, s. 4-8.
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Kragh, JV 2010, ‘ Morphine Habitués. Addict Doctors and Drug Abuse in Denmark ‘ Fortid , nr. 7, s. 30-36.
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Kragh, JV 2009, ‘ The Origins of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Denmark ‘ Journal of ECT , vol 25, nr. 4, s. 270-273.
Kragh, JV 2009, ‘ Psykiatri, historie og kildekritik ‘ Bibliotek for læger , vol 201, s. 291-300.
Vaczy, JK 2008, ‘ Den værste fjende vi have at kæmpe imod: Malariabehandling og dementia paralytica i Danmark ‘ Bibliotek for læger , vol 200, nr. 2, s. 156-178.
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Vaczy, JK 2007, ‘ Danish Psychiatry during the Nazi Occupation ‘ International Journal of Mental Health , vol 35, nr. 4, s. 107-117.
Vaczy, JK 2007, ‘ Medicin på museum ‘ Laegemagasinet , vol 21, nr. 2, s. 52-57.
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Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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