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1st annual symposium of the DK-UK Postgraduate Forum on Bio-studies

By September 8, 2005No Comments

Invitation and call for 1st annual symposium of the DK-UK Postgraduate Forum on Bio-studies: Current issues in bio-studies and society, 17th-18th November 2005, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK

This event will be the first meeting of the newly founded DK-UK Postgraduate Forum on Bio-studies. In both the United Kingdom and in Denmark, interest in the social, legal and ethical implications of developments in the biosciences has never been greater, as reflected in initiatives such as BioCampus at University of Copenhagen, BIOS at LSE, “Danish Biomedicine 1955-2005” at Medical Museion, the ESRC Genomics Network and many others.

The aim of this symposium is to focus on current issues in bio-studies in a cross cultural context in order to generate research initiatives and networking between the participants. The main themes to be explored will be:
– What can we gain from comparative research and collaboration between UK and DK?
– What are the current key issues in bio-studies and societies in respectively the UK and DK?
– Can we identify differences/similarities in the research approaches and methodology?
– How is the emergence of an interdisciplinary research agenda on lifescience and society framed in each country?

This event will last two days: we will visit BIOS and various institutions in London the research field, as well as a one-day symposium will take place and we are pleased to announce that Professor Nikolas Rose and Professor Uffe Juul Jensen have agreed to talk at this event. We would also like to take the opportunity to end the meeting with some ideas and commitments from you to arrange future meetings and to organise different work groups.


Professor Nikolas Rose
BIOS centre/Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Professor Uffe Juul Jensen
Department of Philosophy, University of Aarhus, DK

Future Networking
Nete Schwennesen & Annette V B Jensen

Thursday 17th November 2005:

Afternoon visits to:
§ The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London, 210 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE (to be confirmed)
§ Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), University College London, 22 Gordon Square, London WC1E 6BT (to be confirmed)
§ 5-7pm BIOS research seminar: “We need nothing less than a new philosophy of medical knowledge”, Professor Uffe Juul Jensen, LSE, Houghton Street, Graham Wallas Room (Old Building, 5th floor)

Thursday 18th November 2005:

Current issues in bio-studies and society
9.15 – Opening remarks (Nete Schwennesen, BioCampus and Annette V B Jensen, BIOS)
9.30 – Keynote speakers: Professor Uffe Juul Jensen (DK) & Professor Nikolas Rose (UK)
11.15 – Networking Session 1: Presentation of participants and papers
13.00 – Lunch
14.00 – Networking Session 2: Generate ideas of networking
16.00 – Future networking: Closing discussion, futures activities and workgroups
18.00 – Dinner

Please fill in the attached registration form, including title of and a paragraph on your research project, and send it by email to no later than 25 October 2005. [there is no registration form attached to this webloge-site — you can probably get from].

If you wish to present a paper introducing your research topic (of no more than 20 min. duration) please also send an abstract and title along with your registration. It is possible to attend one or both days. Attendance is free.

We wish to thank the BIOS Centre for accommodating this meeting and the Danish Graduate School in Public Health Science for financial support. Unfortunately we are not able to help with travel expenses and accommodation.

Enquiries to:
Nete Schwennesen>
Annette V B Jensen

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Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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