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Biomedicine in museums

Are humans biofacts or artefacts?

The biosciences are not only in dialogue with the humanities and social sciences. Theologians and religious studies scholars are involved too. One of the major funding bodies for this kind of work is the John Templeton Foundation which generously supports research projects, conferences and lectures about different aspects of science and religion (read Christianity). One of their many sponsored events is a series of lectures on the theme “Der Mensch: Biofakt oder Artefakt? Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Begriff des Lebens” at the University of Frankfurt this year. The next meeting in the series will take place on Tuesday 10 July at 2-5 PM, and will include three talks under the heading “Die menschliche Person im Spannungsfeld von Technik und Life Science”:

  • Intelligente Handlungsumgebungen und Biofakte (Christoph Hubig, Stuttgart)
  • Autonomie bei Menschen und Maschinen. Zur Übersetzungspolitik der Technowissenschaften (Jutta Weber, Essen-Duisburg
  • Der “getunte” Mensch als emotionale Herausforderung (Achim Stephan, Osnabrück)

It’s all organised by the Institut für Religionsphilosophische Forschung in Frankfurt, see further

(thanks to Ingeborg …)


Thomas Söderqvist

Author Thomas Söderqvist

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