Theory, materials and methods
On the subpages to the right I discuss the analytical approaches, materials and methods I use in the practical part of the project (see → versions of my memoirs).
My aim with these subpagfes is quite modest. I don’t have the intention to write an overview of the literature on the life-work problem, narrativity, long-term memory, nostalgia, graceful ageing, autoethnography, and so forth, but restrict myself to discussing how to apply these and other approaches to the writing of my own memoir. In other words, read these pages primarily to understand my theoretical and methodological inspirations.
That said, I may come up with interesting contributions to some of these scholarly fields as the project proceeds, as a kind of uninded consequences of writing my memoirs. In other words, these pages can also be read (seondarily) as online drafts to contributions (articles, or even a book, on aspects of the poetics of scientific memoir writing) based on my memoir writing experiences.
Note also that the content on these pages is in perpetual flux. As a consequence of my ongoing readings and discussions in seminars and on social media, I’m continuously changing and deleting these subpages and adding new ones as the project proceeds.