The archive – texts and images

The primary source for this work is my private archive. I have collected and kept documents — letters, diaries, calendars, photographs etc. — since childhood. Some of this material may have been lost over the years, but I still have several shelf meters of physical documents kept in an basement room at home (→ archive room).

Since 1986, I have also produced a large amount of electronic documents (text files, emails and digital images), which are now saved on a secure server. Together, the physical and digital archives constitute the empirical raw material for my memoirs (see → versions of my memoirs).

I have also consulted some public archives for information about my childhood and adolesecent years.
For a detailed description of the relevant holdings, see → text documents and → images.

The historical context

Mine is not a ‘life’and-times’-autobiography, but nevertheless I cannot avoid references to the larger social and cultural context of my life. The sources are abundant: there is a lot of printed and online historical literature about the cities and neighbourhoods where I have lived, and local histories about the institutions (schools, universities) I went to and worked in. There are also plenty of useful images available online.

For a further discussion of the historical context and list references to the most relevant sources, see → forthcoming

A section of my basement archive.

The brain archive – my memories

My memories constitute the most important source material next to text documents and images. I have continuously retrieved and written down my memories — both spontaneous and provoked memories — since I began this project.

For a more detailed description of my work with memories, see → forthcoming.

I’m also considering publishing some memories online (see → forthcoming).

Others’ memories

I have so far (December 2019) made more than 50 informal and unsystematic telephone interviews with friends, classmates, and former colleagues.

For a more detailed description of the production and use of these interviews, see → others memories.