Academic publications
Söderqvist T, The meaning, nature, and scope of scientific (auto)biography, pp. 301-318 in C. Forstner, M. Walker and D. Hoffman (eds), Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions, Springer (2020) (pdf).
Bülow MH, Söderqvist T, Successful ageing: a historical overview and critical analysis of a successful concept, Journal of Aging Studies, 31: 139–149 (2014).
Academic talks
“Triangulating autobiography, nostalgia and the history of contemporary medicine as a path to graceful ageing”. Invited keynote lecture at History of Medicine Days 2018 Conference, University of Calgary, Canada, 2 March, 2018. (abstract).
“Ageing gracefully through memoir writing: Historical inspirations for 21st century academics”. Abstract accepted for conference ‘New Historical Perspectives on Ageing and the Life Course’, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds, UK, 19-20 March, 2018 (abstract; talk was cancelled).
“Autobiography as history, curriculum vitae, or ars moriendi?” Invited lecture for workshop ‘Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions’, German Physical Society’s Section for History of Physics, Physics Center, Bad Honnef, Germany, 22-25 May, 2018.
“From light green to dark green to brown, beige and black – does life change colours from birth to death?”. Abstract accepted for 12th European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Copenhagen 13-16 June 2018, 13 June, 2018 (abstract; talk was cancelled).
“At huske og skrive om sit liv – opskrift på en god alderdom?” [To remember and write about one’s life – a recipe for good ageing]. Talk at PROSA-Forbundet af IT-professionelle, Seniorudvalg, Copenhagen, 20 September, 2018.
“Den akademiska självbiografin” [Academic autobiography]. Lecture at Seniorakademien, University of Gothenburg, 26 September, 2018.
“Här har jag mitt liv! Självbiografin som curriculum vitae eller ars moriendi?” [Here’s my life! Autobiography as curriculum vitae or ars moriendi?]. Talk at postgraduate research seminar in history of ideas and learning, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, 8 November, 2017.
“Taking stock of your life as a researcher: what can scientists use autobiography and memoir writing for?”. Talk at Polymorfien seminar, Danish State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 April, 2016.