Seasons of my life

Most memoir writers think of their lives in terms of discrete periods. Some call them chapters.

I call mine seasons, like in a Netflix series. The seasons in turn are composed of a number of episodes that follow each other chronologically.

Here is preliminary outline of the seasons of my life. Click on them to get a full list of episodes.

Current outline of the seasons of my life

S 1: Born out of wedlock • 1946-1953

S 2: Raised as an only child • 1953-1959

S 3: Birder rather than pupil • 1959-1965

S 4: Scientific education and training • 1966-1970

S 5: Leftist political activist • 1971-1974

S 6: Teacher at a radical Danish university • 1974-1979

S 7: Studies of the new ruling class • 1979-1984

S 8: Historian of ecology • 1984-1986

S 9: From history to biography • 1986-1996

S 10: Metabiographer • 1996-1999

S 11: Pretending to be a medical historian • 1999-2003

S 12 Museionist • 2004-2015

S 13: Autobiographer • 2016-